Joann Feng

Street Food Mapper - A web app for searching food trucks in real-time.

Street Food Mapper is one single destination for finding food truck using various criteria including food category, status, and your bookmark list.

Currently we're featuring food trucks in Boston area only, but we're looking forward to expand our map soon.

Our website is up and running now! We're cooking our app in the meantime, stay tuned: )

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Joann Feng
For foodies: ✔️Hungry now? Search street food options that are open near you. ✔️Hungry later? Bookmark what makes you hungry and access your list anytime. ✔️Explore trending food trucks to try on your next food adventure. For vendors: ✔️Get more exposure and keep your customers updated on schedule changes.
Justin Lai
@joannfeng is it down? I'm getting an error when I visit the page Just in case you need to know the error: TypeError: this.state.trucks.slice is not a function MapContainer.renderListOfTrucks src/containers/MapContainer.js:97 Let me know when fixed. I love the concept and I'm an absolute foodie myself!
Joann Feng
@justintlai Hey Justin👋 Our website has exceeded bandwidth data limit so it went down😅 but we've just upgraded so it's back to normal now! Feel free to play around the site and I'd love to know your thoughts!
Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @joannfeng, Love this! Do you have food trucks register in order to be tracked? What city are you opening next?
Joann Feng
@jacqvon Hey Jacqueline👋In addition to the trucks already added, we also have a vendor portal(at the bottom right corner of the webpage) for anyone to add trucks to our map! For the next hub we are thinking about NYC, but we'd also like to know where you guys would like to see more trucks added to the map!
Amer Mallah
Are the densely packed cities the right use case for this? It seems like in NYC you just walk outside and whatever is there is the variety of the day. I think this is more useful for suburban environments where it actually matters where the closest one is, because you have to travel to it?
Joann Feng
@amer_mallah Good point! I agree with you about the map being particularly useful in the area where food trucks are more remote or spread-out. I've read somewhere that most food truck businesses come from the stumblers. In the dense city though, there are also the use cases of the avid planners and the foodies, who have specific food trucks in mind and are willing to travel for food. So in those cases having the convenience to reassure their targeted truck's status would be important too, so they would less likely to go and miss the truck.
Could this just be an app? I feel like 99% of the time when I get hungry and don't know where to eat Im out and about in a new area, not at my desk on my laptop...
Peiran Qiu
@devon_devo_frohne Yes! We are planning to develop the mobile friendly version hopefully by this week. Thanks for the advice.
Igityan Hayarpy
Just like hungry people like me
Alya Omar
I was dreaming about an app like this as I was racing through SF trying to find Señor Sisig!! Excited to see this spread here to the west coast.
Joann Feng
@alyaomar I just looked up Señor Sisig and now I want to jump on a plane to SF!
Like the approach and process to building this product. Kudos
Joann Feng
@rattanakc Glad you like it Raymond!