Storypatch is a platform where people come together to create stories, one patch at a time. Start new stories or contribute to existing ones. Vote for your favourite segments, and see the most popular ones added to the story every 24 hours.
Hi everyone! 🎉
I’m excited to share Storypatch with you all. This initial version allows you to contribute to and vote on story segments, helping shape collaborative narratives.
Looking ahead, I plan to introduce some exciting enhancements to make Storypatch even better:
Genre/Theme Selection: Users will be able to start stories with categories like mystery, sci-fi, or humour to guide contributions.
Writer Profiles: Users will have profiles to track their contributions, see their most voted segments, and receive notifications when their segments are continued.
"Spin-Off" Feature: We’ll enable users to start new story threads based on the endings of existing branches, creating interconnected storylines.
I look forward to growing Storypatch with these updates and hearing your feedback!
Hey @izaan1, this sounds super cool! Love the idea of collaborating on stories and seeing how they evolve. 🎉 The upcoming features like genre selection and writer profiles are gonna make it even more engaging! Can’t wait to see how the spin-off feature works too. Keep up the awesome work, excited to see where this goes!
Hey Izaan,
Story Patch looks like a unique way to create collaborative stories.
How do you plan to handle potential conflicts or inconsistencies in the story segments contributed by different users?
Congrats on the launch!
Thanks @kyrylosilin , for the inconsistencies i am planning maybe the author can review the most upvoted patch before merging, but that would defeat the purpose of it being a community-driven story site... i believe story branches would help a lot and I would love if you have anything in mind.
sounds great, honestly! btw, one of my fav 'guilty pleasure reading' sort of book was written by a few authors in collaboration. and as an adept ao3 user as a teenager, i'm exited to see more organised way for creating stories. congrats!
This sounds super cool. I'm a fan of creative writing and storytelling, so if this turn out the way I envision it turning out, it going to be a great product but not without a few minor issues that will have to be fixed e.g who set the narrative and makes sure there's no loopholes or inconsistencies with the story
@joel_pere Thanks for the feedback, The narrative is set by the original author but for the merging of patches it is solely decided on who got the most upvotes... I know this can be potentially abused but this is what I want to stick to a platform driven by community and to combat that abuse I want to add story branches so that if a bad or patch is merged a user can pick up and start a new branch. I would love to hear what you have envisioned so that I can make it true if possible
Cool concept!
Reminds me of a game I played with some cousins, wherein all of us would sit around in a circle. One person would start by saying a random sentence. Then the person to the right would continue the story by adding another sentence and so on. It was surprisingly fun to play, particularly because of how wild the stories became. Play this game a bunch of times with some friends, it would offer you deeper insight into how the platform should be like.
That said, I'm not sure if the current implementation would do very well. The story patching thing really relies on spontaneity -- you need to remember what has happened so far in the story to be able to add meaningfully, and often the next sentence you speak that is really good for the story is just the first thought that comes to mind. In the current implementation, it seems like people can just add lines across many days.
I would keep this more like a short fun icebreaker game for remote teams: you join a small room, and ppl take turns adding new story patches. Or perhaps a zoom add-on. You can transcribe and tidy up the story generated and email it to the users as just a wacky memory. People can also choose to anonymously publish their stories on a message board for others to look at and laugh at.
Tldr; I'd think more about the concept and experiment with different ways of implementing it.
Anyway, that's my ramble. Good luck!
Thanks for the insight @yuvraj_sarda ,
I want everyone to read before submitting as it is also a place to read stories, i get what you are saying and will definitely do something with it
Congratulations on the launch of Storypatch! The platform sounds incredible, and it seems like it will be a fantastic tool for collaborative storytelling.
Can spin-offs be created at any point in the story, or are they restricted to specific branching points like endings?
Great idea, but the lifecycle of social products like this might be a concern for users.
Anyway, congrats on your launch, Izaan! We should give more love to solo makers!
Hey @theizaananwar
Story Patch is a place where you can help write stories with others. You can start a new story or add to someone else's. People vote on their favorite parts, and the best ones become part of the story every day. It's like building a story together, piece by piece.
Loving the idea behind Story Patch! Collaborative storytelling with voting and spin-offs sounds super engaging. Excited for the genre selection feature!
Story Patch
Story Patch
Flag Match
Story Patch
Story Patch
Oasis of Ideas
Story Patch
Story Patch