Michael Choupak

Stork - ChatGPT for teams, where humans and AI work together

Add "AI Professionals" to your Team. Stork is a collaboration Workspace for Human Teams and AI Agents working together. Add a Marketeer AI, a Lawyer AI, or any other AI Professional from our AI Marketplace to your Team.

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Michael Choupak
"AI will not replace you, a person using AI will replace you." Hello Hunters! Many of you have a love hate relationship with Slack & Microsoft Teams. There was little innovation since these tools have launched pre-covid. We're in a hybrid world today where asynchronous communications matter a lot. Asynchronous is about keeping and sharing records: video call conferences, screen recordings, voice call conferences, screen sharing recordings and simple voice and video notes. Introducing Stork, a modern collaboration platform made to work for teams spread over multiple time zones working in a hybrid or fully remote mode. Stork includes the functionality of Slack, Zoom and Loom and comes with 3 AI Virtual "Employees" based on GPT3. We're working on an AI market place where a team can hire any AI professional they like. In a meantime, our AI Marketeer, Lawyer and an Image Maker are free to use across all platforms: iOS, Web, Android, MacOS and Windows. Stork has a consumer friendly UX for the web and apps. It supports read receipts in DMs and channels. It makes it possible to meet spontaneously without scheduling a meeting.
Joseph Abraham
@michael_choupak Great to hear about Stork and its innovative features! It's true that AI will not replace us, but rather the way we work and collaborate. Stork's integration of AI virtual "employees" and the upcoming AI marketplace sounds like it will bring a new level of efficiency and productivity to remote teams. Can't wait to see more about Stork and try it out!
Paolo De Giglio 🚀
😃 Wow, this is amazing! I'm so excited to try out Stork and see what it can do for my team. I'm sure it will revolutionize our workflow and make working from multiple time zones easier than ever. 🤩
Eugene Smirnov
@paolo_degiglio Much appreciated! If you need our assistance in setting up your team, feel free to reach us at hello@stork.ai
Hugo P.
Very promising project! AI gonna be everywhere in 2/3 years and you guys are on the edge 💪 Good luck with the launch!
Eugene Smirnov
@hugo_pochet1 Agreed on AI! Thank you, Hugo!
Mike Karas
I know the integration of the AI Professionals is the flashy feature here, but I'm really into the potential of the rest of the platform, here. Really cool!
Mike Karas
@yevgeny_smirnov @michael_choupak What are y'all thinking moving forward; where does Stork fit in with the monsters of Slack and Teams? I would imagine you can see Stork as a substitute for these, but do you see a situation where they can coexist?
Eugene Smirnov
@mkaras Whether we like it or not, we will coexist. We aim at being the best tool for people to collaborate in but people will be using multiple tools nevertheless as well as multiple messengers. We're trying to provide the best UX and various unique features – like AI-powered speech-to-text in multiple languages, automatic recording of meeting with transcription, AI assistants, sophisticated screen recorder, etc. There are more things coming soon.
Mike Karas
@yevgeny_smirnov Appreciate the feedback! I'm part of an enterprise that just went from trying to use both Teams and Slack to cutting Slack at the end of this month, so changes here to use more tools isn't expected, but I do feel like Stork could have some opportunity in some professional community spaces I'm in... definitely giving it more thought. I look forward to following Stork along the way. Congratulations your successful PH launch yesterday!
Evan Paul
@michael_choupak I'm impressed by the Stork team's creativity and dedication to making remote collaboration easier. The combination of features from Slack, Zoom and Loom, plus the added bonus of AI virtual "employees" is a game-changer for hybrid teams. Congrats on the launch! #hybridwork #AI
Francois Delporte
So cool how you provide AI as a support for everyone ! Love it
Eugene Smirnov
@wawa_trkl Thanks, Francois! We really want to make AI accessible to everyone.
Pavel Evteev
Indeed, finding the best way for AI-human collaboration is something we all need. Great product. Good luck, team
Eugene Smirnov
@pavel_evteev Thank you, Pavel! Agreed!
Christopher Ries
Really like that you're adding value for early-stage teams and individuals who may not have expertise in these subject matter areas. You're lowering the barriers to entry for folks to build which is something special. I think pretty much everyone here would agree! Keep up the awesome work!
Hadia Khawar
Looks very interesting! Wish you luck @michael_choupak
Jun Yin
Cool idea, but it's confuse for me how to use it . Like Lawyer AI .
Eugene Smirnov
@jun_yin19 Try asking him a detailed legal question, e.g. "How to register a company in Delaware and what are the implications?" The more specific you are, the better the answer would be. As of now, Jim the Lawyer doesn't remember your previous questions so if you'd like to ask him for more details, please repeat your original question and add more details to it. We're working on making him fully conversational AI assistant :-)
Jun Yin
@yevgeny_smirnov It's so cool to find the answer directly. More details need repeat original question, I get it. Good work!
Dániel Kővári
congrats on the launch @michael_choupak
Lena Dorogenskaya
Nice idea! Is it possible to assign any task to these AI teammates?
Eugene Smirnov
@lena_dorogenskaya Hi Lena! Right now, our AI assistants can answer questions, perform tasks like copywriting, text summarizing, etc. But one can't assign tasks to them yet. This feature is in our plans. Did you have some specific tasks in mind?
Lena Dorogenskaya
@yevgeny_smirnov This is good but there are a lot of such tools. It would be great if they could maintain legal documents (like TOS), generate marketing copy, AI presentation or illustrations by the same task description, maybe even generate some simple code.
Eugene Smirnov
@lena_dorogenskaya All of these tasks, our AI assistants can do! But, you're correct, you'd have to ask our assistants to accomplish each task individually. We're considering how our AI assistants could accomplish complex tasks like the one you described but, for now, we preferred a simpler approach. It gives more predictable results. (Also, on the ToS example: we limit our assistants on how long their answers could be so Jim the Lawyer wouldn't be able to write you a full text of ToS right now. But we'll be working towards longer answers, too.)
Eugene Smirnov
@lena_dorogenskaya Thank you! We appreciate your feedback!
Sanno Saxena
Best project i have got after so much time
Jennifer Rottenborn
It is still a debate
Ikhtiar Area Store
Amazing project!! Congrats on the launch of the product👍
Gustavo Rus
Amazing! I'm excited
ken antony
I believe that this combination is fundamental for the success of the projects, using AI as a resource and not as the center of everything.
wow so amazing, i like it
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