Matt Lockyer

Instant Stock Market Simulator — Instantly jump to the next trading day

In this game you don't need to wait for the next trading day since the app will let you instantly move to the next day. It's easy to quickly pick up, practice, measure your progress and test new trading techniques.

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Adam Davis
Other stock simulators also incorporate afterhours trading, why’s this one special?
Matt Lockyer
@adam_davis3 Hey Adam, this one will let you make your trade, press a button and progress to the next day. Rinse and repeat. Since it uses historical data you could potentially trade over 100s days in one session rather than having to wait until the next real trading day.
Matt Lockyer
@adam_davis3 I just want to add that I personally use this when wanted to practice technical analysis techniques such as Wyckoff very quickly.
Matt Lockyer
The app uses all of the stocks from the NYSE with data from the past 40~ years so that you can practice against real data. It uses Expo and React native for the front end with an API serving the data on the back end.
Adam Davis
I like the concept but I think you’d see more use if you set up certain parameters that make the start date, or day 0, for individual stocks less random. Finding a setup that resembles where a stock’s at today is too repetitive. What type of audience is this built for?
Matt Lockyer
@adam_davis3 Interesting, can you expand more on the parameters element?
Nice product!!! There is an easy process for recovery of shares in India, it can be of help.