It’s cool to see well-known tech (eye-tracking) that was essentially limited to big market research teams now be faster (results in hours) and waaay less expensive...NOW built as a *tool for makers* to visually optimize websites, videos, emails, ads, etc.
Definitely worth checking out their (free account) library of experiments to see (visual optimization + eye-tracking) studies done on Lyft vs. Uber, Hipchat vs. Slack, Warby Parker, American Airlines, holiday email campaigns, etc.
Thanks @makanikai for the post!
Our team has put a huge amount of effort into creating a new visual optimization platform and we would love to get everyone's thoughts on how to make it even better.
We have a bunch of example optimizations once you log in and a 50% off code: PRODUCTHUNT50 if you want to sign up and try it on your own site, images, ads, etc!
All the previous generation measurement products for the web/apps rely on clicks, seo or link data, which are just a sliver of the actual experience people really have and is no longer a good prediction of if people will engage, care, re-share and succeed with what you are doing.
Our system allows you to measure what people actually see (eye tracking), emote (facial coding), believe (micro-survey) and interact with (full page deconstructions) all with just a few clicks - on real people (who opt in).
If they don't see it, or they see it, but don't read enough of the words, your message will fail. If it is a viral video, except no one laughs/responds, it won't be shared. Our goal is to give you this experience data within minutes or hours of you trying out a new improvement in your digital message.
The platform is super easy to use and our first users have been optimizing like crazy with it.
Please send back your thoughts and questions!
@makanikai Here is a simple example of people's path of attention across an image. Websites get way more complex, and many times, key elements are missed.
We just ran through our system to see what people actually see and miss while deciding what new products they like each day. Started measuring 6:35PM and got the results 7:25!
Takeaways: Everyone is reading the title, missing the text and, interestingly, not looking at people's logos. Highest posts definitely get more attention.
It seems that optimizing the title has the biggest win for engaging people skimming the site. Curious how to make the images more engaging...
Check it out! @rrhoover@eriktorenberg@nikkielizdemere@andreasklinger
The funniest one is that waaaay down the page people are just skimming until they come to Homer Simpson... barely looking at the lower products and then they stare at it and actually read that title. We should have used him as our icon for launch! #doh #thesimpsonsrock
@hcl337 it seems super odd that people aren't looking at the thumbnails/logos. Is it because the eye only briefly glances at the image before focusing on the text for an extended period of time?
Lesson learned: Icon's on Product Hunt are important to catch people attention! Be creative when posting icons.
We change our company logo to a TROLL!!! Then reran The image of the Troll next to Homer changed the overall view pattern of the page. No longer did people look at Homer, the Troll NEUTRALIZED him.
@jeantemplin Can you give us a real world example of how this goes beyond what the current tools do ? (like Optimizely, Google Analytics, Hotjar, UserTesting, etc)
@makanikai Procter & Gamble #P&G saved $1.2M on a $5M ad buy. By simply running their ad placements through our platform, they were able to decide what to buy based on what users actually see.
@makanikai Our Sign Up Rate increased 90% in the last 6 weeks as we used our platform to continually optimize the Sticky site. The seen map, order seen and length of gaze help me and understand why people were NOT clicking on the Sign Up Button. #Sticky
@jeantemplin@makanikai Here is a link to our last test on the landing page for We have gone through this iteration many time to identify which elements people read and don't read, why they do it, what they take away from the site, etc.
Seen Path for today:
Seen Path for Warby Parker (Example in the app to check out!):
We have had a bunch of requests to try a Sticky study today! We are going to add credits to the next 10 people who leave a comment asking to try it out!
@augustevrymonth@_0_ Great! We don't see you with an account yet. You can twitter PM me (@hcl337) your emails if you have already created one and we missed it or go ahead and create it at and we will drop them in.
@techno Crazyegg and the others simply measure clicks and mouse movement. While that is helpful, if you take our website as an example (Image in these comments showing the path people engage), all we would know is that some percent of people clicked the "Get Started" button and the rest would be invisible. And, given a few percent click rate, we would need multiple days to understand if there is a difference between iterations.
Using our tool, we tuned the length of our message, which images, etc to focus people's attention specifically on the message, call to action then product hunt paragraph. Therefore, we have an awesome image of the person on the right side, but didn't use video or other complex images that people looked at for a long time as those would take away the precious initial seconds before the average person bounces.
You can check out the examples in the site. This is a good one to look at:
Thanks @alexufgator!
1. Our platform lets you tag the outline of the key areas of your website or images when you set up the experience. When you do, you set the number of words in each one.
2. With eye tracking, the system calculates how many seconds each person spends in the area.
3. In english people read 4-5 words per second. Therefore, if people are in an area for 2 seconds, the maximum words they will read is around 10, so having 25 words (we see it a lot!) would not be efficient and having only 2-3 words is wasting time where people want to engage.
Check out this example of #optimizely and how many words people read of the message. Theirs is the right length. They have 10 words in their message and people read it for 2.1 seconds, which is almost perfect.
Here is an example of a site where people read so much text they don't see the call to action until 8.5 seconds in, and most people would bounce before it, so only 35% of people even get there.
(Just make a free account for the links above)
Many times an image or text will take up way too much engagement and hurt the other elements of the page.
Hey @hanslee and @jeantemplin, dope update! Huge progress from V1. Getting analytics on emails is pretty static compared to websites, i.e. there's no Crazyegg or Full Story for email copy/body. I imagine running emails through Sticky would be pretty helpful and relatively novel data, yeah?
@bholber@hanslee@jeantemplin Check out these two email optimization examples on the app:
Below is an example from BestBuy. It takes people more than 3 seconds to see the CTA and even though people read text, they don't look at the actual product shots which are being highlighted. The data we have says that there is a 70% correlation between a product shot being seen by the audience and being clicked on more, so it is a really important optimization for email.
@bholber@hanslee@jeantemplin Here are the templates you can drag and drop your content in to. There is also a custom editor which lets you measure the visual engagement of anything you can show digitally.
@robynexton Definitely! All you have to do is type in the URL of your landing page and then select the type of people you want to see it. Above is an example of our launch page which was made with Square Space. It directly integrates.
@_0_ The automated platform enables us to dramatically reduced the cost to use the technology. An experiment capturing eye, emotion and survey was $50K per experiment. With Sticky, it costs less than a few hundred dollars (or <$5 per user). Eye, Emotion and Survey data for the people!
@ryanhambley Our system works really well with Optimizely, VWO and other A/B testing services. A challenge for optimizing with those services is that they are very good at identifying which of 2 or more choices is clicked more once you create them, but once you have gone through the initial list of things to try, it is difficult to figure out what to do in your 5th test. Also, they don't identify if people understand the site and are willing to share. The net result is you have to burn through a huge set of possible users/customers to figure out that you latest change didn't actually do anything.
Our platform breaks down what people see, read and report for each element of the website so you can iteratively optimize the engagement. Each time you run it through the system, it flags every element which is missed, seen but not read, confusing or so complex that it would be seen after people bounced from the site. This gives you direction on each A/B test so you can continuously improve. What we have seen is that this carries people much further than the guess/check version everyone has had to do in the past.
Any, you can get back the answer in 1-2 hours. :-)
@ryanhambley As an example, 2 months ago, our team identified that our website's key message should have taken 1 second to read and was taking 2-3x longer than it should have based on the standard speed for reading the english language, showing that people were confused trying to understand the words. By simplifying the message (Just one change in one iteration), we almost doubled our click-through off the main page.
I wanted to try this but....
"Your system is unsupported because: UNSUPPORTED_OS
You must be running Windows Vista or newer, with an up-to-date version of Chrome, Firefox 24 or newer, or Internet Explorer 9 or newer and the Adobe Flash Player plugin."
Tomorrow I will search for a windows machine :)
@martinkasmetski Thank you for the feedback. We support both Window and Mac OS but it is unclear in the error message. So that we can make the product better, which OS are you using?
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