I was introduced to this team and their API in a recent data science class I took. It is awesome to have all this sports data at your finger tips. If you like sports and/or data, check it out.
@dthyresson hey David, this looks like a great api. I'm wondering what your criteria is for issuing a commercial license? Many stats providers such as STATS or Sportsradar can get pretty pricy. Thanks man
Is there reasoning for not including soccer? Too saturated of a market? Another sports startup only focusing on basketball, American football, hockey and baseball it seems...
@nathenmcvittie Nathen - you're right. There is too much focus in the sports startup world both on US and also professional sports played by men. As a startup based in Boston, we had to launch with the data that could put us in a position to reach the brands and teams we could access.
Our MVP was just football data ... then we rolled out basketball, hockey and baseball. As we grow, we're going to not only expand to other sports -- soccer/football -- but also go in depth to offer historical data.
We also want to give a data voice to sports that are difficult to find, as Sue Bird of the WNBA noted a few months ago.
"The disparity between NBA data — even data across all male sports — and WNBA data is glaring. Data for the WNBA is relegated to basic information: points, rebounds, steals, assists, turnovers, blocks. While worthy of being noted, those are the most rudimentary numbers in our game."
This is really important to us -- as Sue Bird continues:
"Data helps drive conversations, strategy, decision making. But data on its own isn’t terribly interesting. It needs context. It needs a storyteller. Data helps tell the story of a player, a team, an entire career."
This is just the start of the stories we want to tell and share.
@dthyresson Very much appreciate the response. Understandable. I'll keep up to date on what you're making... it will be interesting to see it progress.
Awesome stuff Stattleship is doing! Incredible platform they have built. There are way too many things you can do with it. Good thing I don't know how to code otherwise I wouldn't have a life anymore. Check out these twitter bots https://twitter.com/statmoji_nba...
@dthyresson What were your biggest learnings/take-aways in regards to Stattleship's main use cases from back in 2013 (at Sloan Sports Analytics Conference in Boston)?
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