A quick and visual way to save your app ideas
Robleh Jama
Stash — A quick and visual way to save your app ideas
Michael Sarlitt
Handy! Going to see if I can break my habit of using the Notes app for the same purpose, which gets cluttered. Would love to see some structure in the description (core features, launch strategy, retention, monetization, etc).
Dave Schools
I love this. I would use it. I feel like if you had trial version, you would monetize much faster. People would load in their ideas, so when the trial expires they won't want to abandon their own ideas! =$$$
Chris Naylor
I use this on a daily basis. Only wish is that they created smart folders or categories to group specific tags.
Does this use "the cloud"?
Eric Willis
@sleinadsanoj You might like this.
Nick Greco
Is this a secret ploy to steal people's ideas? jk
Michael Shearer
Now i just need good App ideas! Stash for App ideas!