Luke Gunderson

Startup Santa - Startups donating books to children in need


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Luke Gunderson
Just a heads up, all donations will be distributed by United Way to children in lower income families in Utah. Startups outside of Utah are welcome to participate, but are encouraged to donate money (through the website) rather than physical books. Thanks!
Giving Tuesday is back (and I implore you to be extra charitable, as 'tis the season!) πŸ˜ΊπŸŽ…πŸ“š
Luke Gunderson
@katesegrin Let's get Product Hunt on that leaderboard! Tell your boss @rrhoover to donate some books ;)
Chase Anderson
It's worth noting that if you tweet the title of your favorite children's book mentioning @Pluralsight and using tagging it #StartupSanta, PluralSight will donate that book!
Jessica Willison
This is very cool!