Self organizing bookmarks, for individuals and teams
Robleh Jama
Stash.ai — Cross-device bookmarking powered by artificial intelligence
Brad Brooks
Wow, this looks excellent :)
Sriram Sivakumar
Nagarjun Palavalli
Exactly what I've been looking for! I tried Pinboard but it's waaay too minimal for my liking. This seems to strike the perfect balance.
Giuliano Di Pace
RIP Pocket.
Drew Reynolds
Love this! I save mostly articles to Pocket right now, will Stash be able to differentiate between them or will I have 1000 Articles, 2 Recipes?
Sachin Rudraraju
@nydrewreynolds Good question! You can also add tags, which allow you to slice-and-dice content with the same category. We automatically recommend these tags based on the subject of the content, though this is still a work in progress.
Drew Reynolds
@sachinrudr Awesome! Great design on the site and in app. Going to stick with using it for a while. Awesome job Stash Team!
Corey Ward

The interface is fairly spartan; I suspect this is the first time this developer has had to design their own product. There aren't any bookmark thumbnails or colors. Your bookmarks page is just a list of several hundred mostly-identical items, and they don't have real search, just “filters”, so you aren't going to get relevancy ranking, which is a bummer because it's built into tools like Postgresql. Yet another bookmarking tool that focuses too much on the bookmarking experience and not enough on resurfacing and utilizing those bookmarks later.


Automatic categorization, push to devices


Dated interface, no thumbnails, poor search

Christian Montoya
Well I'm just gonna have to try this. Love that it actually tries to remind you to check out your saved content.
Sachin Rudraraju
@cm0nt0y4 Yep! Pro tip: under settings you can turn on weekly digest emails that condense everything you stash throughout the week into one email.
Chen Zeev
Awesome product. Didn't like that I had to give my full name though...
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I love the Rattlesnake cocktail!
Rahul Shah
@chrismessina Glad to see that getting some love - also a personal favorite!
Steven Hambleton
Your site says swipe right, don't you mean swipe left?
Steven Hambleton
Can I stash podcasts? Or even soundbites?
Frank Nanninga
This is fantastic! You've thought of everything! Love it. It would be cool if "Song" became a playlist in the app, "Article" a read mode (with dark/light theme's), "Images" a collection of all the images, "Movie" a collection of posters etc. etc.
Zee M Kane
any plans for offline reading of articles?
Sachin Rudraraju
@zee no immediate plans but it's easy to see why that's useful - will definitely keep it in mind for upcoming versions.
Melissa Monte
Wow. This looks like it might finally be the bookmark extension I don't abandon. Very impressed!
Everything is good, but a Mac app is required to read the content back, just like pocket! I know I can do that on my iPhone, but a Mac app would be really convenient!
John Peele
Looking forward to getting into Stash. It will replace Pocket and Mail To Self on my phone. Well done team!
Using Pocket since it wasn't call Pocket and kind a happy the way it has performed. Competition is good and it brings innovation and I like Stash. With the quick use doing setup and share some document from pocket itself I found few things, - Article named as pocket link instead of actual article/video name - tried 5-6 different article but none of them was able to categorized. - No way to easy read the article without cluttering. These are my initial thoughts. I will keep trying the app.
Ryan Fitzgerald
Why cant I signup on iPhone?
Derek Shanahan
Looks killer. Bit of an issue when I tried to set reminder, hadn't enabled them, came back and couldn't set that reminder. Then had to re-stash the article and now have 2x the article. I'd expect if I tried to save something twice (happens all the time in my use of Pinboard), it reminds me and lets me update the bookmark.
Sachin Rudraraju
@dshan Good catch. Webpages shouldn’t show up twice. Do you mind emailing us at team@stash.ai so we can grab some details?