Josh Fechter

The Most Dangerous Writing Prompts - Don't stop typing, or all progress will be lost.


Hey there! Dhaval and I acquired The Most Dangerous Writing App and upgraded it with 500+ prompts generator along with options to export your work in doc, PDF, DOCX, and more.
As a result, we renamed it to The Most Dangerous Writing Prompts :)

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Josh Fechter
Not too long ago, Dhaval and I founded a book writing software, Squibler. As an add-on to support writers, we acquired one of the most viral writing tools, The Most Dangerous Writing App. Then we spent time improving it with 500+ writing prompts and combined with a writing prompt generator.
Brian Barts

"Some of these services may record sessions and make them available for later visual playback." = hard pass. *** edit: You say in this comment below that there's no session recording, and yet your own privacy policy specifically states that there may be. So, which is it? And why have that legal language if it's not something you do? Sorry, but there's a LOT of abuse of people's privacy these days and you surely understand why users putting their personal writing into a website would be concerned, right? ***


I love(d) the functionality and design of Most Dangerous Writing App.


Scary privacy policy -- particularly for a WRITING app. (Don't take my word for it, go read it yourself.)

Dhaval Bhatt
There is NO Session recording happening on TMDWP. Absolutely NONE.
Sean Ross
I love the concept and execution! It would be great if you could provide case studies or data that showcase the efficacy of this process. Does it work with audio-based dictation as well?
Josh Fechter
@sean_ross1 We have some initial data, but will need to do some more exploring
Chanez Djoudi
Can you send it to George R. R. Martin ?
This is a great way to write. I use this format every day with Flowstate for iOS. @joshuafechter did you acquire Flowstate? Also called "The Most Dangerous App".
Josh Fechter
@j_vanderburgt We acquired the "The Most Dangerous Writing App" I think it's a similar product
Sydney Liu
congrats dude. love that this came to fruition ;) super cool tool for writers! I think especially for word-count focused goals like NaPoWriMo. some of our
Nachum Kligman
Anything Josh touches turns to gold! I'm sure this product will be the same!
Theodoros Moulos
Content creators will love that. will give it a try
David Berkowitz

This is a site that benefits the most from being streamlined. I hope they don't go feature crazy here.


I love TMDWA - a terrific tool to get you to focus on writing. I use it all the time,


The prompts feature is pretty useless. It's great to get people to write random stuff, but the tool was better in its simpler format.

David Berkowitz
Also @producthunt can you auto-populate the pros/cons boxes with the character counts? I had to keep guessing how long my post was.
Sohail Khan

Though I had fun using it , the title "The Most Dangerous Writing Prompts" is a bit too hard as you can just extend your deadline by pressing anykey or spacebar only.


Easily a fun tool to write!! The UI is good. A creative experience.


The data you create may lead to privacy issues . It just detects the keypresses no matter if they actually make a word .

Madilaine Venzon
Congrats on the launch! Interesting concept!
Christian Matthew Hill
so is the most dangerous writing prompts completely gone?
Ryan P
Dear Josh, as a grad student, I use themostdangerouswritingapp all the time as I find it hard to focus on the best days. Now it is hidden on Squiblers website somewhere?, you have to register to use it and there are annoying "prompts" that have to be erased before you type. Why did you think taking a really useful and simple "viral writing app" and turning it into essentially a watered down subscription service nestled in an underdeveloped site? Can you please make the original app available again?