I would like to introduce to you Square. The project has long way from Behance Interface Game (now has more than 30k followers) to international free contest.
There is many competitions for designers like Awwwards of FWA. But contests close their doors to newbies and independent freelancers. Only the impressive presentations, over which not only the talented designer has worked, will be able to take the award “Website of the Day” or Honorable Mentions. Front-end developers do not work less than the designers. We have created a project that breaks this barrier.
Due to minimum enrollment threshold in our project, beginner and freelance designers will be able to get views of their design work and individual feedback to improve the portfolio. Participants just need to download the grid and send the created project by e-mail. Works approved by the jury members will posted on the website, our social networks, also will be showcased in one of our projects on Behance with thousands of viewers.
We don't want add upfront fees. The competition is free and doesn't require designers to make any payment or donation 🙌
No ratings. Participants will receive only individual feedback from the project jury - professional international designers.
No restrictions. Designers can come up with any topic for the project - from the promo site of a cocktail bar to the presentation of a nude magazine.
No development difficulties. We offer creative people to create work from a single canvas. Participants do not need to master front-end and back-end development to submit a project for the contest.
We want to create community of creative people. There are many talents in the world, but we can speak on one language - design!🤟
hmm, i think it's a huge opportunity for talented newbies to show their ideas. meine respektierung for such a cool project. would be great if Square had a full mobile experience – upvotes, comments, downloads. but i guess it's just a matter of time
i've been following this project since Behance presentation. wish you good luck guys
Jet Admin
Jet Admin
Jet Admin
Jet Admin
Don’t Panic by Lemon.io
Jet Admin
I download the grid, send it to the guys, I want feedback
Pros:Massive idea for create community in charity project. And good design too!
Cons:None. This one shall exist. This must be.
Jet Admin
i've been following this project since Behance presentation. wish you good luck guys
Pros:hmm, i think it's a huge opportunity for talented newbies to show their ideas. meine respektierung for such a cool project.
Cons:would be great if Square had a full mobile experience – upvotes, comments, downloads. but i guess it's just a matter of time
Jet Admin
Good luck, guys!
Pros:Great idea, I think it could be really useful for creative people.
Cons:Background music on the website :)
Jet Admin
Jet Admin
No-Code Tees by Maker Threads
Jet Admin
Yuzhu | 寓住