Alex Iskold

sqanything - Query any data tables on the Web with SQL


Data tables are all over the internet, especially Wikipedia. sqanything lets you query the HTML tables in all your open Chrome tabs with SQL. You can send the results of your query to Google Sheets or just send all the tables on a web page to Google Sheets.

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Alexander Solovyov
I love the idea! Implementation could be better though, it breaks on first table I tried it on
Brian Kane
@asolovyov Your right, there's a lot of ways tables can be formatted so we're still working out the kinks! The first table on the page is not actually a table but a content box, which is why it doesn't work. Querying the next two tables on that page both work though if you want to give those a try. There's a lot of "pseudo" tables on Wikipedia that have a "table" tag but aren't actually data tables, so we're trying to hide those from the Schema so people don't try to query them. Thanks for trying it!
Brian Kane
@asolovyov Here is a loom of successfully querying the two tables that page with sqanything:
Very cool tool!
Ronald Antonio
SQL data tables will not a problem anymore. Good job!
Alex Iskold
A cool data analytics tool from an awesome company.
Kim Wright
Take a Bow
Andrey Gershun
Thank you! Great idea of application!