David Tisch

Spring - Shop new arrivals from the brands you love, every day


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David Tisch
We just launched Spring - check it out - would love all your thoughts. Go shopping!
Nikhil Basu Trivedi
@davetisch congrats on the launch! it's pretty. i bought shorts. i never buy clothes.
Wesley Magness
@davetisch Swipe to Pay... love it!
David Tisch
@nbt Thanks Nikhil!
David Tisch
@WesMagness Thanks!
Kunaal Arya
@davetisch Love this. Have been following you guys for a while and this is what i've looking for. Being a fan of some of these brands already it's a pain going to each's website to see what's new. Congrats!
Ryan Hoover
Congrats on the launch, @davetisch! Can anyone setup a Spring "shop" to promote and sell products right now? I.e., when can we start a Product Hunt feed? ;)
David Tisch
@rrhoover - Right now we are curating the brands... Overtime, we will see. But brands that want to join can apply here: http://www.shopspring.com/brands/
Dave Ambrose
The product looks beautiful @davetisch. Congrats on shipping today! Something I've closely followed across multiple "visual discovery" apps or even content apps that want to mix a transaction in the feed is usually a poor handoff to checkout. Services like @twotapbuy or @trywildcard are providing the infrastructure for this. The best integrated universal checkout experience I've seem is from @lyst. I'm curious to get your thoughts on how the Spring team went about to solve such a problem.
Andrei M. Marinescu
@davetisch kudos on great overall design, particularly the checkout flow. I found it very easy & intuitive when I bought an item this morning.
David Tisch
@malaparte Thanks Andrei, appreciate it.
David Tisch
Thanks @daveambrose - First thing we settled on was that everything on Spring needed to be buyable. In order to make that happen, we integrated into existing ecommerce systems and worked with Stripe to build a payments solution to make checkout seamless... Hope you enjoy it!
Mathieu Gosselin
Congratz @davetisch !!! A bit of feedback If I may: I think this app targets mostly wealthy woman. So I'll talk about my own experience and what I think could be improved. First The website is very slick. Love the 'tangible' style, the goods that comes into place. The first screens are real neat too. It's really usable. I don't have to think. There's no non-sense. I know how to use it the first time. Suggestions: 1. On the first brand screen there were very few brands I actually knew or cared about. Merely Diesel and I'm not so into it. All the other ones I've almost never heard off but I might be interested in them if I see at least what they do. So that app might be for those who have a specific knowledge about those brands, but it doesn't help discovery at all. 2. In the discover tab. It could filter by 'men' since that's the first option I chose. I have most of the things irrelevants. Same for 'browse' Why not filtering only male/female products? 3. What about having something a bit like tinder where you first swipe cards that ask you about your style filters? So sportwear yes/no ? Posh wear yes/no? casual wear yes/no? How about this product Yes/No? and so refine the filters in an entertaining way to personalize the experience? SO THEN You can automatically add the brands that would match my filters. Food for thoughts... Most of those are too 'posh' for me for instance. What if I like stuff like Junker Designs ? Probably some ideas you thought about! But never hurt if it's even to confirm it. All the best of luck mate! Hope this was helpful in some ways
David Tisch
@matgosselin Thanks for the super helpful feedback Mathieu. We are definitely not targeting only wealthy women. We have had some great brand traction amongst fast fashion and contemporary brands. At launch over 30% of the products on Spring were under $100. Awesome to hear you just got it. That was our hope and what we saw in the user testing we have been doing. In terms of the suggestions. 1. Noted. Stay tuned. Many more brands coming in the coming months. But hopefully you find some cool brands and products on there now. 2. Because a lot of users want to see both we have found. But we will likely add this option in. 3. We will definitely iterate on the onboarding as we understand users better. And figure out a cool UX to do so. These are great and definitely in line with where we are heading. More brands, more personalization, easier discovery and a fun and engaging experience are the focuses... Thanks!
Jay Zalowitz
I cant use this on my android(Eta david?), but seems awesome.
David Tisch
@jayzalowitz Definitely on our roadmap...!
JP Patil
Wife's comments - "I thought when I selected a designer I would be able to scroll through a whole lot more items. I think it would take me a while to find something I would actually buy even though there are designers I like and would want to buy something from. I found it hard to browse through multiple designers but only the ones I liked. I'm tired of busy shopping experience. Thought I could choose only my favorite 5-10 designers and get items from them in a non-overwhelming busy way. When I joined all I was signed up for all these designers who I had no clue were. I would have rather started with the designers I love and then slowly get introduced to others. The design and interaction were nice but it fell apart when I got to really browsing."
David Tisch
@jpatil Thanks JP - super useful. We definitely agree. Challenge is since the brands actually post the products and we aren't just taking the entire ecommerce feed or scraping sites, there will be less products available. Overtime this will change, as will the selection of designers. If we had he 5 favorite brands on yesterday, that experience would be great. But if he favorites weren't on Spring yet, it would have been an empty feeling. So we went with more auto-follows than not. Its easy to follow and unfollow from the Shops tab, which will slow down the feed a bit.
Daniel van der Merwe
So this is what you've been couped up doing :). Seems like Jackthreads taken to the next level. One thing to note is that it seems browsing by category is a bit jumbled (seeing shirts, shoes, bags, etc... in "bottoms").
David Tisch
@danieljvdm Thanks for the feedback, need to clean some of the data up...
Sam Bauch
Really slick, I just felt a little lost on the first run. I imagine as (if) it becomes more part of my routine, it fits in to my life much like other feed based applications do, where I'd scroll until I see something I'd already seen or until I get bored. But on the first run it was a lot at once. I also appreciate the steps that you're taking to make the quality of the feed stay high. It's more magazine than marketplace, and I think there's value even in just *seeing* what's new and how brands are styling pieces. You lose that if you allow brands to upload or reuse their basic product shots from the e-commerce site. Are you letting brands A/B test in the feed? i.e. same product, styled/shot in two different ways, and associated purchases / conversions?
David Tisch
@sammybauch Thanks Sam! Appreciate the feedback. We are closely monitoring how different content performs, how specific items perform, how categories perform accross all kinds of variables (time, day, user types etc). Trying to help customers find things they want easier by doing this...
Daniel Eckler
Need this in Canada pls!
David Tisch
@mijlodaniel Hear you loud and clear...!
JP Patil
@davetisch I suspected it might be a cold start problem but wanted to give you her feedback unfiltered. She is definitely someone who would be in your user group. I would show Spring to my sister-in-law too (who would be a perfect fit) but my brother would probably kill me. Right @dpatil?
David Tisch
@jpatil Yeah, if you figure out how to cold start a marketplace well, let me know :-)
David Tisch
We will be launching Android in the coming months... and iPad...
Zack Shapiro
Nice! Congrats @davetisch!