Chema from Spreaad

Spreaad - Discover real visitor flows

Get rid of flow bottlenecks and sell more with Spreaad. Add Spreaad pixel and get all this data:
- Dropout sections and pages,
- Origin and visitors destination,
- Conversions attributions,
- Improvement points to increase your website´s CR!

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Nora Quiroz
It is very useful because it improves processes and makes them more efficient.
Chema from Spreaad
@nora_quiroz thank you for supporting us feel free to sign up to our waiting list :)
Chema from Spreaad
@nora_quiroz @jose_manuel_sc we'll be in touch soon :D!
Chema from Spreaad
Hey makers, This is Chema a Spreaad´s Co-founder, we are glad to bring to you Spreaad, a powerful analytics tool to get rid of flow bottlenecks and sell more on your website. Spreaad it's really simple to use, you just need to: 1. Install our Pixel 2. Set up one or more goals, for example, download, sign in, purchase, etcetera. After choosing your goal, Spreaad automatically starts reporting all bottlenecks found during your users conversion journey based on dropping sections and ML models you also gain additional information such as: 1. Origins & desginations: Where do visitors come from? what searches did they make to get to you? where are they going after making a drop? 2. Goal tracking: conversion timeline, attribution of conversion, days to convert, and more, all this information can be filtered by campaigns/channels/period. 3. Finally, you have Business Insights a recommendation overview to improve your website with data like: Best keywords to promote Best URL to drive traffic Best channels to advertise and CR overview to feedback your growth every month. Spreaad uses Ml and advanced Mathematical Models in a beautiful way. However, our product is still on an Alpha version, for this, we would love to receive your feedback and your subscription to the waiting list for the Beta version! Thanks in advance and Welcome to Spreaad!
Chema from Spreaad
@jose_manuel_sc Hey @samy_zabarah Let’s cross the fingers for being featured on the main page and earn a badge :)
Christian Piponides
Looks like a promising tool - I've added feedback here over the landing page, hope it helps towards future updates. Congratulations launching on Product Hunt!
Chema from Spreaad
Hi @christian_piponides what an amazing feedback I’m going to fix them right now! Thank you for your subscription too🙌🏼
David García G.
This one looks promising! We'll stay tuned on the updates.
Chema from Spreaad
@daggpace thank you a lot !
Roberto Arosemena
Looks promising, will try it soon.
Chema from Spreaad
Thank you @roberto_arosemena please sign up to the Beta waiting list & we'll reach you when the beta is ready :D
Israel García
We´ve been using it for a couple of months on beta and the results are awesome. We used to use Google Analitycs but Spreaad is way easier to set up, implement, and understand.
Chema from Spreaad
@israel_garcia4 Thank you very much Israel, it has been incredible to work with all your team
Karolina Ornelas
Such a helpful tool! Can wait to try it soon
Chema from Spreaad
thank you so much @karolina_ornelas, we will be send you the access soon!
Gustavo Matte Daniel
We're a B2B SaaS and we found it very useful!
Chema from Spreaad
Love hearing this @gus_matte please please, sign up to the beta list right here
Rodrigo Padilla
Sounds It's the product I've been waiting for, really looking forward! Congratulations!
Chema from Spreaad
Thanks @rodrigo_padilla we reach you ASAP 🥳
Sounds interesting, I would like to give it a try as soon it's available. I think that customer analysis with data is a must at any company.
Chema from Spreaad
@alex74635 that’s right Alex, what do you thing is the most important feature Spreaad has?
Oliver Cambrano
As the founder of an agency, I think this product is very good to be able to sell to my clients, proposing a clear idea of how to convert more. Do you have a model for agencies that manage multiple clients?
Chema from Spreaad
Hey @oliver_cambrano1 not yet, but we can start a pilot with you, what do you thing ?
Max Prilutskiy
Nice UX!
Chema from Spreaad
@prilutskiy thank you Max, feel free to sign up to the waiting list!
Alfie Raymundo
Already in line whenever our website is ready to launch so we can incorporate Spreaad into our workflow, I have seen a demo of it and we just loved it.
Chema from Spreaad
🙌🏼 Thanks @alfieforshort and thank you for signed up on our waiting list !
Chema from Spreaad
How would you use Spreaad?
Fer Gomez Tella
Spreaad sounds amazing hope to test the beta version!
I loved the way they displayed my site data and how it helped me create new and more efficient audiences