Matt Butcher

Spin - A framework for composing serverless apps with WebAssembly


Spin is an open source framework for building and running event-driven serverless applications with WebAssembly (Wasm). Spin uses Wasm because it is sandboxed, portable, and fast. Millisecond cold start times mean no need to keep applications “warm”.

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Matt Butcher
We're excited about Spin, a WebAssembly-based toolkit for creating supersonic serverless apps. Spin has top-level SDKs for Rust, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, and Go. It supports many other languages besides. Spin comes with built-in SQL database, key value storage, and LLM inferencing (e.g. text-based generative AI). Spin applications can be deployed to Fermyon Cloud, Docker Desktop, and a host of Kubernetes or Nomad-based platforms.