Adam Muller

Smart Passive Income - Entrepreneurship and Life with Aaron Walker - Aaron Walker talks about going from success to significance

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Adam Muller
"Aaron Walker, who runs, has more than of 37 years of experience behind him. He’s a veteran entrepreneur who achieved huge success as a business owner before transitioning into business and life coaching. Aaron has also been involved in mastermind groups for more than 20 years (longer than anyone I’ve known) and is a serious advocate for their power to transform your career. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: - Aaron’s moving story of life as an entrepreneur. - How Aaron’s mastermind group has impacted his personal and professional life. - Aaron’s advice for staying proactive and holding yourself accountable as a business owner. - The danger of the word “can’t.” - A strategy for prioritizing your next steps. - The qualities of a great business coach. - How to foster accountability as a coach. - Advice for standing behind the price of your products and services."