@senthos Speak really shines when it's in focus. When you think about it: the gestures, the automatic playback, and so forth, it has none of those benefits when it has to be summoned.
That is why we've made Speak fully compatible with music streaming in the background (it doesn't interrupt music playback unless you are recording a message or receiving a message). And when you snap to another app (e.g., navigation) for a short time (currently less than one minute) the session remains active should you decide to snap back. Hope that answers your question!
Speak enables you to message safely while driving using a combination of voice, gestures, and auditory notifications. The technology is based on research in distracted driving, with the goal of eliminating visual attention shift, as well as minimizing attention duration and repetition - to keep your attention on the road!
My cofounder and I both quit our jobs at the same time to embark on this startup journey. This is sort of our love song to the drivers out there - we hope you will feel safer behind the wheel with Speak by your side!
Would love to get your thoughts. Feel free to ask me anything.
@rock3m does it work with existing applications like FB Messenger and iMessage? I can't imagine users taking on another chat client for this when Messenger and iMessage both have similar functionality.
@huntergray@rock3m Yes! You can message with any contact on your phone. The experience is even better with other Speak users, because you can hear their actual voice, not a synthesized voice. But yes, you can message with any contact on your iPhone!
@yjp Hi Yuval, we are still trying to figure out logistics of supporting non-US numbers. The tech is based on SMS so we decided to launch first with the US - which we understand better - and then follow up with other countries. For updates on this matter, please follow our Twitter @MessageSafely. Thanks!!
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