MySpace. Reborn. πŸ‘₯
SpaceHey β€” MySpace. Reborn. πŸ‘₯
Throwback to 2005 - SpaceHey is a fully functional MySpace-like site! It's a place to have fun, meet friends, and be creative!
Orçun İlbeyli
Brilliant! You should have made Tom as honory top friend! :P
@nucro Great idea! :D
Gabe Ragland
Amazing job! So much nostalgia right now. Here’s my profile:
Christian Pezzin
The captcha in the sign up page does not work... :(
Michael Lajlev
When you have build more features. Let's reskin it and it could be a true competitor to other bloated platforms πŸ‘Œ Love the fact that you builded it upon things you hear and researched about the platform πŸš€
Simon Chiu
It’s a very very cool product. All tears 😭 here thinking back to how beautiful the internet was back in the early 2000s.
So true!!
Vincent Denise
Hey An, this is awesome! SpaceHey me: πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
David V. Kimball
What an awesome little site! Friend me:
Now all we need is someone to remake Bebo and everything will be right in the world.
Awesome product man, congrats on the launch Made my profile a couple of days ago :)
James Futhey
It's pretty awesome watching someone who never used MySpace or had to build anything with HTML 3 / Table-based layouts / Noscripts recreate MySpace. Like, he must just think designers / developers made lots of bad choices in 2003-2005..
Ram Patra
Awesome project πŸ‘ . Is this a one-man team? If yes, would love to know how you managed the DevOps, i.e, server, hosting, scaling, etc.? Did you use something like AWS/DO or you went with something like Google App Engine, etc.?
Calum Webb
This is such a fun idea! With LinkedIn, Twitter, and others adding stories, any plans to add stories to SpaceHey? πŸ˜…
@calum Thank you very much!! I probably won't add stories but who knows? πŸ˜†
Clyde D'Souza
@calum stories should load at ADSL speed. πŸ˜…
Scott Allen
@calum @anthemaker Yeah, please don't. Stories are just a way to grab attention for people who have WAY too much time on their hands.
Fajar Siddiq
I feel emotional when i look at this site. It was the first community i joined back then. Nice work, i will join soon!
@fajarsiddiq Thank you for the kind words!!
Usama Khalid
@usama_khalid That's the goal! πŸ˜ƒ
Arron Watson
Love the product. It's like myspace, minus the embarrassing photos. I'm in!
Joel Benjamin
Amazing An! Congrats
@harowitzblack Thank you!! :D
Edfil Basan
This is awesome. I actually made a project like this a few years back! Images are broken and I CBA to fix it, but I tried to capture the same nostalgic feeling of my myspace page from 2007. I'll remake on Space Hey :)
MySpace is back! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ ...and it's called SpaceHey! Hey there! My name is An and I miss MySpace. The original version of MySpace. That's why I created SpaceHey! Let's face it: It's 2020. It's a tough year. We all deserve some fun and nostalgia for better times! Sign up for free on, create your own customized Profile (custom CSS and HTML is supported!), follow your friends and write Blog Entries! Just like in the good old days! SpaceHey is a place to have fun and be creative! I'll add even more features in the coming weeks! See you on SpaceHey! Greetings An
Gautham Santhosh
@anthemaker you are 18 right, so at 2005 aren't you 2 years old. How can you miss it 😳
@anthemaker @gauthamzzz Your calculations are right! :D Nevertheless, I miss it. I head A LOT about MySpace both from older friends and from the internet. I did a lot of research on this topic, watched videos and travelled around I found a couple of other websites from that era of the internet and I really love the feeling of the Web back then. There is no comparable place to MySpace online nowerdays, so that's why I built SpaceHey! :)
Ashton Hylton
@anthemaker Did you ever think about calling it `Hey Space` ? :)
Marta Piotrowiak
@ashton_hylton it's already taken ;)
Micca B
@anthemaker But will you have flair? That was the best.
Congrats An!! Really awesome project, glad I could be one of the first ones to try it out πŸ˜„
@rrhoover Welcome to SpaceHey! :)
Kym Huynh
@rrhoover @anthemaker The nostalgia feels! Here add me <3