Gaurav Shrishrimal

Sorted - Let the documents work for you!

Sorted is a document manager app, helping people get organized. It is a digital vault of personal docs & related info, automatically segregated & tagged by an AI engine. It also keeps track of docs that need to be renewed or discarded & alerts user proactively

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Gaurav Shrishrimal
I usually struggled with getting information from one document or the other, for an instance details from my graduation certificate or warranty number of my washing machine. Many a times I have taken a resolve that I will maintain a folder on my desktop with all the documents but sadly it could not become a habit and I was always back to square one. It struck me one day that why not leverage the existing technologies and build something which could help me with all this, so we started working on Sorted. Have a look at the video and screens above and we would love to see some suggestions about the product. One last thing - sign up on to get early access to the product, when we launch.
S C Gandhi

I have just seen and appreciate the idea


easy to store and sort the document


can be given after regular use

Aysha Ali

I quite like the idea, would love to use it in future..


My documents are at one place, i don't have to look around for different documents at different parts of my house.


Nothing that i know of right now.

shreekant raju
Looks interesting, would like use it.
shreekant raju

Looking forward to the launch.


Hassle free.


Can tell once i use it for some time, for now i like the idea