Hey Hunters!
After a year of being in service Son.gg has received a redesign aimed at improving usability and integration. Sharing music with your peers doesn't have to force them onto a platform they don't enjoy!
The redesign includes a new fresh logo, clearer sharing options and much improved Slack integration. Gone is the overly bold look, replaced instead with a mobile-friendly 'card' design and a minimal home page.
I've added Youtube as a listening option too, and improved integration with the Deezer API.
Slack teams can now choose their preferred service right from inside Slack too, so go ahead and add Son.gg to your team right away:
As ever, I'm keen for feedback, so get in touch if you have suggestions and requests.
@markus_schuette Soundcloud doesn't work like the others, it's more for mixes as opposed for albums.
TL;DR - It's likely that the same albums available on the other services aren't on Soundcloud.
This is cool. It would be nice to set one service as my "preferred" service and it would just redirect automatically if it's one of the available services.
I like the app, but it looks a lot like Songlink.io (https://www.producthunt.com/post...). I like the concept, and especially the additions of Slack integration, however I've struggled to find the songs I've been looking for, and URL direct searching doesn't work. Any plans for integration?
@tristanisham Yeah it's a lot like Songlink, a coincidental existence. I like the URL direct searching, I haven't managed to get it spot on though, but it's in the pipeline.
Currently a search uses the iTunes lookup directory, so if a song doesn't exist there it's not going to be found.
I built something very similar 2 years ago. Biggest differences are that it's lacking Slack integration, but more importantly that it's open source. Slack integration actually sounds pretty cool, so I guess I'll add that too :) https://match.audio/ and https://github.com/kudos/match.a...
Thought Train
Thought Train
Thought Train
Thought Train
Thought Train