Oliver Reichenstein

iA Writer 5 - Get Focused. Get Started. Get iA Writer.

The original iA Writer released it’s all new app with Quick Search, a refreshed library, and a custom keyboard.

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Marius Masalar

This is the best update the app has seen in its entire history: it's all about polish, thoughtful interaction refinements, and providing tools in a way that isn't distracting or overwhelming.

It remains the best blank canvas for plain text that money can buy.


Extremely immersive writing experience with a few, well chosen features: Syntax Control, Focus Mode, and the keyboard extension.


Few features, and little customization (arguably also pros). There are better options for long-form writing though, because of the library.

Paul Montreal

Writer does something that's hard to put into words, but it just really helps me write. It gives me space, room to breathe and think. I always use focus mode. I've recently started using night mode as well. Sounds silly but its like a trigger now, I open Writer and its just easier to get out, what's in my head. I've been using the mac version for years. I didn't think I'd use the phone version as much initially, but I've found it to have the same effect as the mac version, it gives me a space to deposit thoughts as and when they strike and then expand on them later. I used to email myself lots of notes, which was messy. Writer shares everything across devices, so more of my thoughts actually get completed now and turned into writing I can use. I'm excited to make stuff with this latest version.


Love iA Writer on all platforms


Other than post-its and legal pads its my go to writing tool


I have used it since basically version 1 before it was iA Writer Pro. I fell in love with its minimal design and neat markdown support. It also helped me a lot in learning the markdown intricacies. After it released version 4 with image/file inclusions I knew that I'll be using this editor in long years to come.


Minimalistic design and full support for markdown


Not really. iA Writer is love, iA Writer is life.

Marcos Dias Alves

I use it daily for journaling and taking notes.


Multiplataform, fast, simple to use.


No cons; it meets my needs.

Luis Fariña

iA Writer has been on my home screen for a long, long time. A wonderful writing app, even better with this update: loving the new keyboard bar.


Ease of use, design, font...



Andrew Montalenti

It's definitely my preferred writing environment, from the standpoint of design and feel. Actually, my absolute favorite environment is iA Writer on iOS (iPad Pro) with an Apple Bluetooth keyboard. It's like a modern typewriter, but so much better. Ever since adopting iA Writer, I do all my writing in Markdown and then port it to other tools later. However, I still find myself using SimpleNote, even though it's "uglier", just because all the x-platform apps across Windows, Android, iOS, desktop, and web all work so perfectly. For iA Writer syncs, I use a single Dropbox folder with all my Markdown files. On OS X, this is perfect, but on mobile this is sometimes tricky to navigate. I really enjoy the iA Writer 5 improvements on OS X, though!


Beautiful, distraction-free writing environment. Thoughtful design. Works especially well on OS X and iOS.


Windows/Android versions are a little underwhelming.