Experience SocialAI, your personal and private AI-powered social network. Create your own exclusive network with millions of AI followers responding to your every post.
Imagine that you have no friends, but you also use the internet.
What if you could build a "social" internet without humans where you could simulate interactions as if you were interacting with real humans, but without all the yucky, complicated, and unpredictable parts?
That's what SocialAI is all about , and it's the future of social media. 😈
Interesting concept. How do you see the interaction between users and their AI followers evolving over time? Is there a goal for it to mimic real human interaction or will it always feel distinctly "AI"?
Wow. I feel special. My product is a punching and fitness bag for swimming pools, and this is very useful when getting product ideas in areas I have been thinking about. https://aquablastfit.com. Is there a way to invite real people to your world?
Intriguing concept for simulated social interaction. How realistic are the AI followers' responses? Curious about the psychological impact of using a purely AI social network. The privacy aspect is appealing, but wonder about the potential for echo chambers. Could be an interesting tool for practicing social media strategies. Raises questions about the nature of online relationships and validation. Interested to see how users engage with this unique platform long-term.
Good luck with your launch, upvoted! Sounds like there are two use cases - psychological support and testing content strategies (if you can manage to sync with FB/IG etc algorithms)!
Best wishes on your launch.
It's not the product I would use but given the current culture and world we live in, I can see it does serve a purpose to people, however not sure how one can monetise it.
this is interesting. cool concept but a possible use case for me would be if you allowed me customize each "friend"/"follower", like a customGPT. in other words, I could see myself using this as an interface for my c
personalized customGPTs (I have diff ones I've set up to help me with diff parts of my lifek
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