Uri Lederman

Social Funnel Engine - "Borrowed Authority"


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Uri Lederman
Would love you opinions on this tool which we are releasing on Feb 5,2016 via webinar. This tool has saved us over 70% of time spent on #socialmarketing. I am here to answer any question you guys might have about the tool. Our Alpha campaign was fantastic. We utilized a growth hacking idea to provide FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to anyone that was able to provide us with 7 signups of like minded individuals who also wanted to get this software for FREE. We got over 3800 emails and We are Launching via WEBINAR on Feb 5, 2016 and we welcome all of you to get on. :-) Everyone who makes it to the webinar will get a FREEMIUM account.. :-) Which will be limited but will still allow you to post your marketing message on 95% of the website out there.. Register for the webinar here: www.socialfunnelengine.com/sd/
Gail Gardner
@ledermanu Social media managers and influencers are the ones most likely to use or recommend this, so you probably don't want to be insulting them in the intro video. We use RSS feeds similar to this; however, the big challenge is that if you are going to share the most recent, relevant content from random sources how are you going to prevent offensive words and images from appearing on a businesses site? Today, even carefully selected business sites seem to be oblivious to the fact that using the "f" word or offensive images is not appropriate. Because we're online all the time, when a major site published offensive content I was there to delete it immediately and remove that site from ever feeding content to my followers again. If a small business had fed that post, it might have been on their profile for days, weeks or even months - offending their customers and potential buyers. Be aware that if you push videos that contain blurred out nudity, I have seen still images displayed that weren't fuzzed out. They got a lot of attention, but probably not the kind the business would like. These are challenges we all face when sharing content others have created. Other than that the concept is sound IF someone also interacts with the people who click through, comment or reshare. Automation can bring you leads and increase your influence and following, but then a person has to get involved to build the relationship. 4 minutes in on the demo video your call to action to share goes to Facebook. Will that be configurable for other social platforms or are you focusing only on Facebook? Nice method for better targeting products. If they don't buy, do you have a call to action to get them onto a segmented mailing list? The video stops at "provide your best email", but sounds like there was supposed to be something else after that? This reminds me of Staged.
Uri Lederman
@growmap well first & foremost.. If YOU are one of the FEW who are actually doing a decent JOB then allow me to apologize. But we live in a world were prior SEO peeps are NOW social GURUs and those peeps are the REAL reason why I am bringing this tool out to the masses. Prior to the year 2000, the push was if you don't have a website you would be out of business.. and SMBs got screwed.. :-) we are in a new era of "if you are not on social... you will be out of business" and SMBs WILL GET screwed.. :-) My tool allows SMBs to do social themselves.. I am very confused about what blurred out NUDITY you are talking about?? You are correct that engagement is something that is NOT automated.. that being said, we have always believed that engagement should be done by the owner or employee of the social platform. The fact is that it is very difficult to outsource "brand speak" Currently we are on facebook, twitter, linkedin.. (waiting on G+) and have intention to move to other platforms as well.. Well we have the ability to capture emails as your CTA (example for a bookkeeping client --> http://trimmed.link/user-10/0/b8... ) create manual or automated (rss type projects) video is shortened because it was used for the ALPHA CAMPAIGN which says get your "FREE lifetime ACCESS below.". We finished our ALPHA campaign on January 15th.. NOT sure what staged is???
Gail Gardner
@ledermanu Re: blurred out nudity - when you feed content from other's sites you never know what you might get - and sometimes what is blurred out in a video will be visible in a still shot of that video. Yes, it is always best if the small business actually interacts with potential customers rather than paying someone else to do it, but some just don't want to or don't make the time, so then you need someone else to do it for them. Good to know about the other platforms and capturing emails. Staged is a competitor of yours.
Uri Lederman
@growmap thanks for clarifying. If you are referring to https://www.staged.com then etiher we did a piss poor job on our demo or you just didn't get what the software does.. :-) cheers,