Robleh Jama

SoapBox - A simple and beautiful app for 1:1s and team meetings πŸ‘


Level up your management and your team when you use SoapBox to fuel your one-on-one and team meeting agendas. Managers and employees can collaborate on a shared agenda, take notes, summarize important decisions and add next steps in one central place.

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Robleh Jama
I've known @i_am_brennan and team for many years and have seen their company grow and evolve. Last year they became the #1 small business to work for in Canada, so when they showed me that they bottled up some of that knowledge into a 1:1 chat bot I knew Product Hunt would love it.
Brennan McEachran
Thanks for posting this @robjama! We made GoodTalk to help us have better 1 on 1 meetings. But, as we started getting more and more value out of it we figured this is something we should share. So we couldn't be more excited to be finally launching GoodTalk with all of you today. We believe the single most important thing a manager can do is help increase the motivation of employees to do great work. 1 on 1s are ground zero for making this happen. I wrote more about how we got it all started here: We're hungry for all of your thoughts and feedback!
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@robjama FYI: That's one of the best intros I've read in awhile. Short & sweet, and I'm interested because of it.
Seth Louey
@i_am_brennan I really love this concept. I can't tell you how many meetings I've sat through that just don't go anywhere. Lack of goals and objectives really squash the productivity. Looking forward to testing this out more. // @robjama Oh, I also submitted it to BotList. Feel free to email me edits or additional media.
Brennan McEachran
@sethlouey Awesome Seth! Thanks so much. I think we'll be taking slightly different approach to goals in the future - making them helpful and engaging instead of boring fields to update ;)
Marc Crouch
This looks very interesting, I'm going to try it out this month.
Brennan McEachran
@marccrouch πŸ™ awesome! Let me know how it goes
Marc Crouch
@i_am_brennan I have a 1-to-1 on Friday this week so have used it for that. The immediate thing I noticed is that the suggestions repeat themselves quite a lot. Would be awesome if "try another" discarded the suggestion so it doesn't come round again. Also, it wasn't clear that the Google Calendar sync required a recurring event, I was expecting to connect the questions to an existing one-off event in the calendar (we don't use recurring events because people's availabilities vary depending on deadlines, vacations and so on). Apart from that, some really helpful questions.
Brennan McEachran
@marccrouch thanks Marc! Calendar integration is very "MVP"... We've made a few assumptions in there based on how we do things... But looking at fixing it up now that it's out. Appreciate this feedback and we'll do our best to account for you in the future
Jonathan Bega
This is absolutely great. Will be adopting this into my business ASAP, especially as we continue to grow.
Jessica Weisz
@jonathan_bega Woot woot!! Let us know if you need help setting up - although the bot is pretty friendly so he can do that for you :)
Brennan McEachran
@jonathan_bega awesome! Pass on that feedback as you use it
Ryan Lebel
nicely done soapboxhq! looks awesome :)
Brennan McEachran
@ryannlebel thanks Ryan! πŸ™ Feel free to share any feedback
Graham McCarthy
Thanks for all of the kind words everyone! I hope you guys enjoy GoodTalk, and get as much value out of it as we have already. Can't wait to hear your feedback!! πŸ˜ƒπŸš€
Marcus Daniels
Really excited to see the GoodTalk product launch! Our corporate innovation customers are gonna love it. Congrats @jess_at_soapbox & team!
Jessica Weisz
Awesome to hear @marcusdaniels. It would be awesome to play with Highline Beta and your customers!
Daryna Kulya
Congrats on the launch, team! As Robleh mentioned, you became the #1 small business to work for in Canada - what advice do you have for those looking to define their company culture?
Brennan McEachran
@darynakulya Awesome question! I wish it was as simple as just a few words, but I'll do my best. Hopefully the team will add anything important that I've missed. 1. Find great people that you want to work beside all day. Don't let anyone in - especially in the early days - unless it's a perfect fit. 2. Once you have a few people, then it's time to actually define the culture. It's easy to do this step too late. It's also easy to do a bad job of it. Our cofounder @warrentanner wrote a great post on how we actually did that: you can also download our handbook there. 3. Now that you have values, run your company by them. We make hiring/firing decisions on it. I use our values as a scorecard for tough decisions sometimes. No one is above them, not even you. Sometimes that's hard. 4. Finally, in software at least, your whole business leaves the office every day. If it doesn't show up on Monday then you've lost it all. Listen to their feedback, ideas, and problems. They're smart people. Listen to them. Be invested in your team and they'll stay invested in you. Sometimes that'll feel like another job. @warrentanner and @bryan_rusche created an amazing long term goal setting document that we use with each employee to help them grow at work (and in life).
Jessica Weisz
@darynakulya Brennen said much of it! Something specific is that its about the people. SoapBoxers are good humans - they help each other out, are open with their thoughts and are a super ton of fun. It makes coming to work great and leaves me happier at the end of the day than when I arrive!
Sean Peters
Looks great @grahammccarthy, @i_am_brennan, @warrentanner! Would love to try this out but we're using Hipchat.
Graham McCarthy
Thanks @seanpetersdotca! Right now, GoodTalk is Slack Only. But... in a couple of months we may have a solution for you πŸ˜‰!
Jessica Weisz
I couldn't sleep I was so pumped to post! Today is gonna be fun :)
Mahmoud Hashim
I'm not surprised a product like GoodTalk came from @i_am_brennan and the team at Soapbox. They have been working for years on solving communication and feedback problems in large teams. Congrats on the launch!
Graham McCarthy
@mhashim thanks Mahmoud! Effective Communication gets tougher the bigger your teams get. Our approach is to tackle the centre of all teams, the manager/employee relationship. If we can create alignment and clear understanding for this level, there should be a ripple effect in creating alignment and clear understanding at the team, department and company level! Thanks for the support! πŸ‘
Alysha D'Souza
I've learned a lot about leadership and investing in great employees from Brennan, Warren, Graham and the team at Soapbox. Their employees are constantly growing, learning, feeling challenged and loving what they do! I'm looking forward to seeing GoodTalk help businesses all over the world accomplish the same thing. Congratulations on the launch!
Brennan McEachran
@alyshadsouza Thanks for the kind words Alysha!
John Kyeremeh
Great idea @i_am_brennan & the @SoapBoxHQ team! 1:1's are definitely a big deal for all types of companies. Love how this is being solved in a chatbot! Streamlining the 1:1 experience is a must! Excited to try out!
Brennan McEachran
@johnkyeremeh Thanks John. We had some great inspiration from Obie!
Zain Abiddin
Excited for this! Great work @i_am_brennan
Brennan McEachran
@zainabiddin thanks Zain!
Craig Morantz
Big fan of 1:1s but often fail at taking enough time to prepare and follow up. This looks fantastic. Well done Brennan and team.
Brennan McEachran
@craig_morantz Me too 😞 Hope the bot can help!
Jonathan Truong
This is so cool and at the same time so important on so many levels. Great job guys!
Warren Tanner
@jonathan_truong Thanks for the kind words! I'd love to hear your feedback after using the app!
W Ian Douglas
I got an early beta of the product from @grahammccarthy, and really enjoyed the simplicity of the setup and management of the tool. I look forward to seeing where it grows from here. Nice work, @grahammccarthy and @i_am_brennan!
Graham McCarthy
@iandouglas736 thanks Ian! @i_am_brennan and I have already started to incorporate your early feedback!
Nehal Kazim
Love this! Already installed and scheduled the next 1-on-1!
Warren Tanner
Thanks @nehal_kazim! Please let us know how that meeting goes. We're really looking to dial in the product based on your feedback.
Josh Guttman
Super exciting. Looking forward to using this on our team.
Warren Tanner
@jgut Thanks Josh - we really appreciate your support!
Paul Philp
Brilliant! This solves a problem I deal with at least once a week. Very simple, too. I love it.
Warren Tanner
Thanks @pphilp! We can't wait to hear more of your ideas about where you'd like to see it go from here.
Mauricio Meza
This is great! This is so helpful to keep a format of 1-1 and keep track of them instead of hundreds of google docs and papers.
Brennan McEachran
@sqr_m yeah separate sets of notes leads to people not being on the same page. It's 2017. We can do this