Shannon Maloney

2019 State of One-on-ones Report - How over 200 managers approach 1:1 meetings 💬

The 2019 State of 1:1s report offers in-depth insights into:
⭐️ The purpose and goals of one-on-ones
⭐️ How remote management impacts one-on-ones
⭐️ How different departments approach one-on-ones
⭐️ How organization size and industry affects one-on-ones

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Shannon Maloney
Hi ProductHunters 👋 I am so excited to share our 2019 State of One-on-ones report with you! It has taken 4 months, 3 designers, 2 marketers, 1 developer and a whole slew of amazing managers 🎉 to make this happen. Back in August, we surveyed over 200 managers on how they run one-on-one meetings. Our goal: To learn how managers are spending this invaluable time with their team. What are their biggest challenges? What's on the agenda? How often are one-on-one meetings? What tools are being used to facilitate the meeting? The results were, to say the least, interesting. Here are few of my key takeaways from the report: ⚡️Remote managers find retention 6x more challenging than on-site managers ⚡️75% of managers are talking about growth and development in their 1:1s ⚡️The topic managers discuss least in 1:1s is “alignment to company mission” ⚡️75% of respondents use Slack as their primary communication tool with their teams ➡️My ask: What is shocking to you? What, if anything, has made you think twice about your approach to one-on-ones? What stats would you have love to seen in this report? And if you find the information useful and interesting, please give us a vote 👍 and share your comments below! We’d love, love to hear your feedback 😊
Aaron Stubbings
Love this! Great to get insights into the way other managers operate with their teams.
Hiba Amin
@aaron_stubbings Totally! We're glad you love this! 🙌
Julia Manoukian
Looking forward to reading this one!
Hiba Amin
@julia_manoukian Thanks Julia! Would love to know your thoughts when you get a chance! :)
Yara Kamal
Beautifully designed report, SoapBox team! I’d be curious to see the differences and similarities between direct reports and their managers. Do they think they’re having the same discussions? Are they aligned on what the goal of the meeting is? The most shocking stat to me is that remote managers experience retention challenges 6x more than onsite managers... That’s crazy!
Hiba Amin
@yarakamal Thanks Yara! Already planning the next one 😉We're also very curious about those numbers. Stay tuned!
Simon Wessels
As an HR professional, I'm pretty surprised that alignment to the company mission isn't discussed more within one-on-one meetings. I feel like that's a super important conversation to have and one-on-ones are a perfect opportunity to do just that. Great job on this SoapBox!
Hiba Amin
@simon_wessels2 Thanks Simon! Yeah I completely agree. I think it's less about them bringing it up in general and more about it not being their biggest priority to discuss during one-on-ones! Still super interesting though. 🙂
Mitul Shah
wow gorgeous design. definitely going to take a note and read this 😻
Hiba Amin
@typicalmitul Thanks Mitul! Would love to hear your thoughts when you get a chance to read through! :)
John Mangini
I have always struggled with the value of 1:1 meetings but reading through this has helped me see the true value of them. Keep the awesome content coming!
Hiba Amin
@john_mangini Yeah! The value definitely comes when you run these meetings right. It may be instant or you see the value more in the long term as your relationship with your direct reports becomes one that is filled with trust, transparency and lots of feedback! Thanks for checking out the report John! :)
Igor Ilic
The stat that surprised me most was that engineering managers spend the most time in meetings all week. Definitely thought it would have been sales considering all of the prospect and customer meetings they would normally have. Great job on the report SoapBox team!
Hiba Amin
@igor_ilic Thanks Igor! Definitely caught me by surprise too. Not being an engineer myself, was definitely under the assumption that engineering managers still spent some of their time coding/developing. After interviewing multiple engineering managers... Turns out they rarely get a chance to code and the stats back that up even more!
Amna AZ
This looks so good!!! Love the dynamic landing page with all it's moving parts. Not related to the stats, but love all of the quotes you included from remote managers. Especially the one from Kara McNair at Buffer on the importance of spending time to learn about what your direct reports need: "Building a relationship. I want my direct reports to really understand that my job is to help them be successful and to meet their own goals and dreams. By spending time learning about what matters to them and showing them that I really care about that, they trust me enough to tell me when things aren’t going well for them and giving me the chance to help them."
Hiba Amin
@amna_z Yees! Kara is a phenomenal manager solely based on how she approaches her one-on-one meetings. Definitely a ton of learnings from the quotes included in this report alone. :) Thanks for checking it out!
Hiba Amin
Super excited to finally get this out! So, so many interesting stats. On top of that, we've included some great quotes from even better people leaders. Including @i_am_brennan, @domkent, @tomhadfield, @jamesrcarr, @paulg and more! The stat that surprised me most was that, before this report, I really believed that managers who worked in tech vs. those who didn't would have faced different challenges, had different priorities and approached one-on-ones differently too. What surprised me most was that there wasn't much difference between the two.
Adam Walker
Loved this report! I was really surprised to see that 54% of managers said that one of their goals for their one-on-ones was to have status update chats with their direct reports. There's a time and place for that and, at least for me, it's definitely not during a one-on-one.
Hiba Amin
@adam_walker3 Completely with you on that! Glad you liked the report :)
Hiba Amin
Are you having one-on-ones with your direct reports?
Vikrant Duggal
Quality, thoughtful report. Definitely worth a read for managers, but also for independent contributors who want improve their 1:1s with their boss.
Hiba Amin
@vikdug Definitely! Gaining a better understanding of what managers struggle with when it comes to their role, as well as one-on-ones has given me a better understanding of how I can help minimize those challenges for my own manager.
Brent Davidson
Interesting to see that what managers report most as the purpose of their role (keep team on track and aligned to goals) is pretty much what they report spending the least time on in their 1:1’s (alignment to company mission). Looking at the options for how time is spent you can see it’s possible respondents included their work on keeping team on track as part of another category, but even if you account for some variation there this is still a striking difference!
Joshua Gorner
As a software developer who’s worked at both large and smaller companies, and having had managers with a range of different styles, I was surprised that a lot of the stats about 1:1 focus are fairly consistent between companies of various sizes, and managers of different levels of experience. But the differences in technologies certainly ring true for me. The one big company I’ve worked at, managers would almost always communicate with me by email or maybe internal Skype, and when I left they were just beginning to shift towards other tools (in their case MS Teams). That seems to be the sense I’ve gotten talking with friends at other big companies too. So perhaps that big email percentage will start to shift downwards fairly soon? Overall, I’m really happy to see this report come out, and as a fellow SoapBoxer I’m very impressed with all the work our team did to collect all this data and present it so well!
Hiba Amin
@gorner Thanks for the support Josh! :) And yeah, completely agree. I think that more and more organizations will start moving away from email being their primary communication tool to things like Slack and MS Teams. In fact, a ton of teams in massive organizations will have their own slack workspace for just their team because it's what works best for them.