Your sneakerhead bot
Pedro Pinto
Bits — Get the best news & release dates of the coolest sneakers
Pedro Pinto
Hey everyone! A couple of weeks ago I decided to create a “minimum viable chatbot” for Telegram related with one of my passions: sneakers. The feedback was positive and now I launched the chatbot on Facebook Messenger. Bits is going to send you daily digest with the best news and you can also check with him the release dates of the coolest sneakers. I would love to have your feedback and suggestions :) Thanks! PS: what are you favourite sneakers?
Ben Tossell
@pmcpinto Asics Gel Lytes are the ONE! I just bought a new pair :)
Pedro Pinto
@bentossell Cool sneakers :) I'm looking forward to get the adidas’s “Vintage White” NMD_R1:
Anthony Reinette
Awesome idea ! I'm slowly becoming a sneakerhead so this bot is perfect ! Can you elaborate a bit more on the development process ? Did you find good ressources ? What's the architecture behind the bot ? Was the development process fast ? Thanks !
Pedro Pinto
@anthooo this was a pain point that I have, there are so many info spread around the web about sneakers, so I decided to build a mvp in order to see if more people find Bits useful. My goal was to create something quick and simple without worrying to much about the server side, etc and I've found that was the best solution at this phase. I have a couple of ideas for this chatbot that maybe require a different solution, the chatbot development platforms are moving fast, so we'll see. In terms of resources, are you looking for something specific?
dimitar inchev
Few years back we made "The Origins" sneakers with Valistika for the Society27 project, still my favorite ones:)