Hey there! I'm creator of Snatch.
I been using default windows 10 clipboard manager for last year but I just got tired of it and created one myself. I've used C#/XAML. It can hold unlimited amount of history entries. I took inspiration from maccy.app and Sublime Text command palette.
I hope it will be useful for some of ya'!
@michaelthegeek I have no plans for this. I would have to rebuild it in Electron. Not a lot of work but still I would need a contribution from Mac user(I'm windows user). You can use maccy.app
@sibbngheid I definitely will implement that feature in next or the following version. This is pretty early release, MVP I would say. I wanted to get this out to the people to see if anyone will use it. If people will use it, I'll continue development
I think this is such a cool app! Great design too.
?makers below a few feature ideas :)
- Toggle down functionality of copied code to see entire text
- Ability to hide "Essential Keyboard Shortcuts" to make it look more lean
- Tabs to categorize copied text; first tab could show the entire history, create new tabs with custom names and move texts to there
- Pin most important text to top