Askhat  Sayapov

Snapbase - Onlyfans but for databases


I work with Lightsail a lot, and always wondered why is lightsail db's are so expensive. So I made a simpler barebones service based on AWS.
Future features:
1. Cloud \ downloadable backups
2. Extended management, access to DBMS info

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Askhat  Sayapov
I'm thinking of making shared instances, would you use a shared instance for your growing hobby project for 3$\mo? 🤔
Askhat  Sayapov
Making UI better in realtime so if you didn't like it, take a second look :D
Razvan Ilin
This is awesome 😀 do you plan to open an API to allow developers to create instances programmatically?
Askhat  Sayapov
@razvanilin This is totally doable, but since the payments are handled through stripe, the payment info must still be filled in though web ui. Thanks for the idea!