Gordon Zheng

Bedazzle - Add rich text to your Tweets


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Ryan Hoover
I don't know whether to ๐Ÿ…ท๐Ÿ…ฐ๐Ÿ†ƒ๐Ÿ…ด or สŸโ˜ฎแนฝฮต this.
TweetdeckWeb support?
Gordon Zheng
@orliesaurus not at the moment. Could be easily done tho. I can look into it this weekend...
Hank Leber
And that, son, is how Twitter became Myspace. The End. ;) (Still, a cool product. got my upvote for creativity.)
Gordon Zheng
@hankleber ๐™›๐™–๐™—๐™ช๐™ก๐™ช๐™จ๐™จ
Violeta Nedkova
Aww, I was so happy, but most of the bedazzles don't work for me.
Gordon Zheng
@v4violetta aw. are you on Windows?
Pooja Daswani
Definitely worth recommending to my friends on Twitter :) they'd go bonkers playing with this. Cheers!
Vinish Garg
Very interesting, though the feeds' unique identity may be lost. We are so used to see how we see it now! :)
Ezra Galston
This is awesome, wish I could upvote 10x
Gordon Zheng
@ezramogee thanks!! :)
Paul Shapiro
Doesn't work for me :(
Gordon Zheng
@fighto :(. What's wrong?
Zach R
Sadly, it doesn't show up right in the iPhone app, though...
Gordon Zheng
@bluetidepro yeah :/. I wonder what set of unicode characters are supported by the most common platforms, by OS + browser...