@benln Thanks for hunting us Ben!
Hi Product Hunters, I'm Benny the CEO and Founder of Fitness22. Today is a very exciting day for us because we're launching our most popular app on iOS, 5K Runner, for the first time ever on Android (Hooray!).
Our mission has always been to help people live happier and healthier lives.
Incorporating fitness into you life is crucial, but it's often hard to find the time to workout or even commit to making the change. We've tried our best to make simple and manageable workout routines that anyone can do.
If you, or someone you know, has been trying to get in shape, or even just get off the couch, tell them about us :D
We're a startup and constantly looking for new ideas and suggestions. If you have any, post them here, or feel free to send me a personal email at benny.shaviv@fitness22.com or post them in the comments!
Happy hunting and have a great workout!
@kobaiko Wow! That's great to hear! Adding fitness is so important, a few minutes a day (or 30 minutes 3x per week like in 5K Runner) can make such an incredible impact on your life, confidence and outlook!
Very cool! I'm looking to hit 5k this year. This will definitely help out. I checked out "Training Programs" too and I love spotting the use of Unsplash photos! Are there more Unsplash photos used within the app?
@scotty_webb Thanks! Where are you on your 5K journey so far? Are you on iOS or Android? You should check out our community on Facebook, really supportive and encouraging for anyone trying to hit the 5K mark! http://facebook.com/fitness22.apps
I wonder what @snoopdogg 's favorite app is? Other than Snoopify, Reddit and anything music related. Does he use fitness apps or is he just naturally ballin' out of control? @rrhoover
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