This all ties in with the rise of the invisible apps and becoming becoming more comfortable with commands through Slack commands/Magic words/Facebook Messenger bots etc.
Its cool to see it ingrained at the keyboard level and I think its going to just keep becoming more 'mainstream'.
The issue I have with keyboard apps in general is that I find them annoying and difficult to switch to. It would be fine if I could set it as my default keyboard but for me to fuss around changing it when just trying to send a message put me off.
I guess thats why a recent keyboard company was bought ;)
What do you see as success for Slash Keyboard?
Do you see Apple just beefing up their default keyboard with these sorts of things as we enter more deeply into the world of Chatbots and the like?
@bentossell Hey ben, absolutely. Great comments & questions by the way. Cool thing about Slash Android is, you can replace your default keyboard (iOS version / watch out our next release in 10 days ;) ), we will make sure you will never ever have to switch your keyboard again -- That being said;
As you mentioned, we will see a ton more activity in this space ;) For Slash, success is to become the ubiquitous search & command experience in all platforms for consumer.
Apple will sure beef up their keyboard, but we are turning Slash into a platform. Next we will be opening our Slash Commands + Bots platform and we will be releasing Chrome/Safari/Firefox extensions so you will have the same experience in your browser.
Meanwhile please let us know how you like the Android version. Thanks for all the feedback!
@cemkozinoglu I'm Anti-Android but I'll be keen to give this a go on iOS if I can replace my default keyboard 😏
Looking forward to see what develops here and with this space :) (I'll DM you on Twitter about something btw)
Yeah I'm interested to see what Apple's move is here, I'm worried that it may take them a while to take this command step seriously and integrate with their software.
Who knows, maybe we will see another buyout ;)
I have been waiting for a product like this to come to android, however it seems like I might need to wait a bit longer seeing as it crashes any time I go to type anything. Still glad that it is on Android, just wish it would have come out a little better tested.
This is awesome! I'm not sure if I will replace SwiftKey with it, but having typed /shrug a ton of times in messaging apps because I got used to slack commands, I totally see the need for this. Good job fellas! 💯👍
@cemkozinoglu Unfortunately I am one ocean away from NYC, otherwise I'd jump head first onto an interesting challenge like this :)
If you want I can spread the word inside our slack community, we have a bunch of US folks there.
I can definitely see the growing want for this, especially as apps such as Peach and Facebook Messenger bots (as said previously) are bringing this to more of the masses. Also with Google's Now on Tap becoming a thing, watching how these kinds of interactions develop will be interesting
Keyboard looks great and feels responsive and natural. I like it better than Flesky due to voice icon and key spacing being so similar to Google Keyboard. It has made it a really easy transition with no extra fat fingering.
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