Since we last previewed Slapdash on Product Hunt, we’ve continued to build on the simple idea that our work tools should not slow us down.
We all use cloud apps to get our work done, but we fumble through crowded tabs and slow interfaces to do it.
Slapdash is the missing layer that unifies all your apps. We don’t want to replace the apps you use, or your browser, we just want to augment how you work with new superpowers.
We care about speed —
⚡️ Browse your app data, but do it with no latency
🕵️♀️ Find and open anything with just a couple of keystrokes
We care about ergonomics —
🍏 Install our Mac App, and just type “Command + J” to call up our Action Bar
👩💻 Install our extension, and have everything at your fingertips with our New Tab experience
And we care about unlocking new agency —
✨ File tasks, create new files, rename things, close tasks; all without opening a single app
🗄 Create Spaces to organize work by hand, or using automated rules (“all items that mention GDPR”)
Special thanks to all the Product Hunt folks who tried an early version of the product.
We still have a long way to go, but we are excited to open up Slapdash and share in our progress with everyone.
While Slapdash will have a paid version, we are not gating any features in the next few days, so you can give more of our experience a whirl.
Today Slapdash requires some practice, but once you learn it, you’ll have a hard time going back. We will be publishing guides in coming days and we are happy to onboard you personally onto Slapdash — just reach out.
Great fan of Slapdash!! You can easily search and manage files across apps. I especially like the spaces. We work with freelancers a lot and creating Drive folders for every single one of them was super tedious. Now I just add them to spaces and remove them after the project.
Would be useful to see a list of supported cloud services on the website before I sign up.
For those that care, the terms of use for this product contain a mandatory arbitration agreement and a class action waiver.
Enjoying it so far! I definitely think a Product Tour (maybe use AppCues?) would make the experience a lot smoother - but definitely liking what I've come across!
@justin_rockmore@brandon_mcconnell1 Hey Brandon - definitely agree, we'll focus more on the initial onboarding experience soon. In the meantime, we'd be happy to do a quick 1:1 with you over Zoom if you'd like. (
Like the idea and can't wait to try the product! But thinking about "Command +J", it requires two hands (or one uncomfortably) for righties (majority of users). The second shortcut button should be on the left side of the keyboard.
Righties usually user their right hand for the mouse and left for things like: Command + tab, Command + E, Command + W, etc. Just a thought
Tried it today but as a front-end developper, I don't really see how this could improve the way I work across multiple apps. Kinda feels like a bunch of shortcuts/favorites to different services that you then open in a browser.
So why not open those directly in the browser?
@pierrickgt - Happy to give you a tour. Today, you have to work to discover our feature set. Our documentation is sparse.
Slapdash is kind of like learning vim or emacs -- but once you learn it, you'll ask yourself how you lived without it.
Message me and I'll show you how I use it over video.
I've been using Slapdash every day for a few months now - it's made searching for files so much easier and has saved me a ton of time fumbling around in Drive. Think of it like a 10x faster/efficient user interface on top of Google Drive and all your other business apps.
@stowe_boyd - Stowe -- thanks for trying it out. I've been following your writing for years, so great to connect.
It's very obvious from this announcement we need to get much better at helping people figure out what & how Slapdash works. We're on it. Today, Slapdash requires patience, practice and for us to also deliver on some critical features.
As far as I can tell, Workona is a stellar Chrome extension and mostly is focused on leveraging browser history.
We are different in that we have built a low-latency file system across all your cloud apps. You don't need an extension to use Slapdash (we just recommend it). You can use Slapdash as a Mac app, you'll also be able to use it on mobile, have data live in a VPC as well as have a reasonable offline mode.
The technological underpinnings open up another leap forward: a brand new interaction model for your cloud apps. This mostly involves our "Action Bar", which is omnipresent and extensible. You can think of it as a command line for all your apps.
The real source of agency in work software is being able to create new software, and while Slapdash is a great utility today, it's ultimately a platform that will allow you to build new meta-tools on top.
How come you don't have a list of integrations/apps your service can work with (see what Zapier does)? The whole point of your product is to make the services somebody uses more accessible. So, as a potential user, if I don't know whether or not you support the services I use, signing up and trying to figure it out myself is a potential waste of time 🙃
@anna_0x - Anna, we will definitely have a list of apps, we just didn't get to it! Should be up in next day. Also, it's a bit of a challenge, but you can actually use Slapdash without any apps connected -- we also need to do a better job of explaining how. :)
@kanevski Yes, please do. I'm interested in anything that can speed up my workflow and make finding things less of hustle, but don't feel like investing too much time in something I don't even vaguely understand :P
@anna_0x@kanevski Came to share Anna's feedback as well. The usefulness of the app is mostly derived from the apps/integrations you're offering from what I can see. Otherwise everything looks snappy and nicely designed from the landing page.
I’m a huge fan of Slapdash. Instead of Google Drive, I have the Slapdash Chrome plug-in so every time I open a new tab - I can easily search or find recent Google files. Some of the new features like creating and sharing dedicated “spaces” have been a game changer for me, since a lot of my work is project-based and I can arrange and add different files from different apps including website links in one spot.
Outstanding experience! I'm stoked looking at Recent Activity and understanding that all my work is there, now I'll never miss anything from those tons of opened apps and browser tabs.
I run a small side project and the documents that go along with it for Marketing, Development, Business Plans are just scattered all over my Google Drive, Trello, and Github. I can definitely see using this just because of the sheer speed it provides to organize and maintain important files.
Pros -
1. The speed is incredible.
2. The card based UI makes it so much easier to understand data from the top level without having to constantly check inside each file.
Cons -
1. Limited number of apps.
2. Opens in browser, would be great if it was accessible straight from the desktop.
Nice to haves -
1. NLP based search, "github commits in project branchA after 12/9"
2. Cloud Consoles, like IBM Cloud, Heroku, etc.
3. Be able to create Google Reminders
Great work! I'll definitely be following the development :)
@sssaini -
Our current plan is to expand support for more apps and as well as support rich previews when possible (obviating need to open a browser window).
Our search should be *much* better soon, and I think even more expressive than an NLP based approach.
Cool idea to integrate cloud consoles. And creating Google Reminders should totally be within reach.
Thanks for writing in, this feedback is how we prioritize!
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