Gregory Koberger

Slackmoji - πŸ•΅πŸ» Browse, search + install Slack emojis in just one click!


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Gregory Koberger
Hey! At ReadMe, we love emojis... but adding new emojis to Slack is a bit of a pain. You need to find it, make it transparent, resize it to 128px, save it, upload it, name it... etc. So, I built this to make it stupidly simple to πŸ•΅πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ browse or πŸ”Ž search for new emojis to add to Slack. It's built right on top of the existing UI, and lets you easily browse thousands of emojis and add them in one click. (Have some new emojis you want? Let me know!!)
Ian Mikutel
@gkoberger love this! I know personally the few custom emojis I've used in Slack are some of my favorite, so this is super handy. How long did it take to make and any things that didn't make the cut you want to add in the future?
Eithiriel DeMerè
@gkoberger Wow, I'm super excited to check this out!
Gregory Koberger
@ianmikutel Took a few hours :) I'd love to add some features that make it easier to add your own emojis: * Automatic resizing to 128px * Bulk upload from your computer * "Share with everyone" option so you can upload your own emoji sets * Better searching (If anyone wants these, let me know and I can attempt to add them!)
Eithiriel DeMerè
@gkoberger I love this! Just added super cute coffee and space emojis to my Unicorn Think Tank Slack group. Thanks so much!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@gkoberger @ianmikutel creating and sharing sets easily would be *awesome*! Also, any way to just batch-add an entire set at once?
Dan Leveille
This is amazing! And excellent implementation!
Our Senior Slack Emoji Manager will love it!
Leo Kangin
Welcome to the Moji Club!
Stefan Wirth
Derek Skaletsky
well, you've really done it. I think I speak for the entire Slack user community when I say...Bravo, sir!
Lenny Hu
nice, super easy to use! I've never bothered to add emojis to slack because of the hassle, but it probably took 30 seconds total to install and add my first emoji. great job @gkoberger!
Evgeny Grigorev
Finally!! )))
Patrick Thompson
Are you affiliated with at all? It would be cool if you could implement searching there. I feel like a lot are missing in your extension that I would want to add , or maybe I am just not looking in the right categories.
Gregory Koberger
@neurohacked Nope! Hadn't seen that site. I bought the domain first, but it seems they beat me to launching it!
Michelle Grant
Very good. Like slack mods
Tyler James Young
Needs GIF support and community curation. There are many misspellings and other types of errors among the current choices, and poor organization overall. That said, this is the most exciting product I've ever seen.
Troy Osinoff
Love this extension. Any plans to add in GIFs?
Gregory Koberger
@yo Just added some gifs! Will add more as time goes on!