Elliot Thomas

Skippr 2.0 - Your Instagram marketing toolkit

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Jijo Jose
Going to give it a try. Like many other Instagram scheduler tools Skippr uses push notification for posting.
Andrew Neil Ryan
@jijojosein We've been asked about why we do this a lot. So we wrote a blog post which covers our position on it https://blog.getskippr.com/autom...
Elliot Thomas
@andyryan @jijojosein Jijo, Great to have you on board! The link posted above by Andrew will help you understand the difference between notification posts and automated for Instagram. If you have any other questions, please just hit the 'Chat with Skippr' button that is available in all of our applications. Best, Elliot
Elliot Thomas
@jijojosein @andyryan It would definitely, help a lot :)
Tweets by Musolé 🇿🇲  🇺🇸 🇦🇴
@jijojosein @elliotrthomas I have. Feeling Instagram will soon make this available. I could be wrong but the surfacing of the news of a business profile leads me to speculate this as a pipeline feature. Will check out Skippr 2.0. 👍kudos on sticking with it and releasing an improved version!🎉
Elliot Thomas
@musolek @jijojosein Hey Musolé, it would be great if they do! We shall find out soon enough i'm sure :) Thanks for the kind words and for taking the time to check out Skippr. If I can help you with anything at all please feel free to reach out. Best, Elliot
Elliot Thomas
Hey Product Hunt! Elliot here, i'm the founder of Skippr. Firstly, I just wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone that has so far taken the time to check out our product. We have been working on Skippr for quite some time now so to achieve this great attention is very flattering for us. Many of you hardcore Product Hunters may remember back around 6 months ago when we were actually first featured here, our product was in very early MVP stage and in all honesty was not ready for the attention. We had a problem with sign up not working and in all honesty, it was a bit of a disaster, however! :) We have been extremely lucky to get a 2.0 feature here and I wanted to just give an update on where the product is today vs where it was 6 months ago. Schedule & Re-post Our scheduling tool is now complete on iOS, Android and Web for image scheduling. We are not one of the Instagram schedulers that auto-post to Instagram for you, this is something we feel really strongly against however you can find out views and opinions listed here: https://blog.getskippr.com/autom... Analytics v1 is complete! (The relief of being able to type that is such a great feeling.. as many of you may be able to imagine). We have some very useful growth and engagement data available. Due to the amount of strain analytics puts on our current structure we have decided not to go ahead with a free trail model at this time, we are discussing adding this into Skippr in the future however for now, we have decided to use demo accounts so that you can see how the analytics work. You can view this here: https://app.getskippr.com/#demo_... Just a side note - we operate fully within Instagrams Terms & Conditions for how we gather our analytics but also how all aspects of our project work, and we have recently been accepted as an authorised Instagram developer (woohoo!) Competitor Analytics All of the information we can bring in about your own Instagram account, we can also provide you with about any competitors or accounts of interest (maybe influencers in your field) provided the account is public and not private. We have put a special Product Hunt 20% discount code up for grabs, you can enter this at checkout 'producthuntrocks2016'. I am here to answer any questions and gather all feedback. Thanks once again Product Hunt! You're all amazing. Elliot
Nicola Mastrandrea
Hi guys. I'm one of the first Skippr user. The app, at the time was useful but not perfect. Today I see the 2.0 launch on PH and instantly click on the link. First impression was of alienation. I remember the app layout, colors etc. and I think this was another product. Then I tried to login and I was put into the old skippr layout. So my obvious question is: How come do you use different layout for the landing page and the web app ? Second question. What's the cangelog of Skippr 2.0? Thank you and good luck with everything. Nicola
Andrew Neil Ryan
@nick88msn Hi Nicola, firstly thanks for giving Skippr another try. As far as scheduling goes most of the changes have been in stability and reliability. On the iOS app we've added a new camera interface that allows landscape and portrait images (this also means we've changed how we open Instagram a little). The biggest change is our new analytics suite. which you can demo here https://app.getskippr.com/#demo_...
Elliot Thomas
@nick88msn Hi Nicola, Firstly, it's great to hear that you were one of the first Skippr users and that even back when we were in our very early days you found the app useful, but I also agree, it was far from perfect :) I just wanted to elaborate on what Andrew has said regarding our design. We are continuously working on Skippr and we like to work as agile as possible and release different updates as soon as they are ready. We have recently completed our rebranding exercise along with new marketing home pages. We are now working on the web-app redesign and currently implementing this hoping to put it live as soon as we are ready (shouldn't be too long.) I hope this best answers your question, I have posted a changelog as a separate comment here for you to also check out. Thanks for the well wishes, Best, Elliot
Christopher Leach
Signed up for analytics, looks neat maybe I could grow my account!
Ivan Verkalets
@leachy114 Sure you can do it! With analytics it will be much easier!
Christopher Leach
@verkalets approx how long does it take for the analytics to complete?
Ivan Verkalets
@leachy114 Your analytics already there!
Elliot Thomas
@leachy114 Hey Christopher, Firstly, thanks for signing up to our analytics package i'm thrilled to have you on board! :) I have sent you a separate e-mail so hopefully we can catch up there, just wanting to help make sure you get the most out of our product. Best, Elliot
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Elliot Thomas
@levibostian Hey Levi, Firstly, thanks for taking the time to leave this comment, its been a crazy journey from 1.0 > 2.0 for us :) So thanks for the support! I just saw you shared this on Twitter, i'm extremely grateful. If there is anything I can do to help you build out your Instagram efforts, i'm always happy to offer free consultation on your Instagram account. If this interests you, elliot@getskippr.com, if not, thanks for taking the time to comment. Best, Elliot
Looks good! What is the major difference between this and something like later.com? I am a big user of later and would consider switching. The major difference I see is analytics, is there more ?
Elliot Thomas
@christopher_87 Hey Christopher, Later is heavily focused on the scheduling side of things, where, as you pointed out the biggest difference for us is the analytics. We are working on some very unique USP's for our scheduling tool that we hope to roll out in the near future, but for now analytics is this USP for us. I hope this answers your question, Best Regards, Elliot
The time zone selection at sign up is a bit confusing, I would improve the UX on that. 👍🏽
Elliot Thomas
@brenodamata Hey Breno, Totally agree with you! Working on it :) Best, Elliot
Christina Valerivna Seminskaja
Hey guys! Congrats on the 2.0 release. Didn't know about Skippr before finding 2.0 here on PH. Got me curious, let's see if it could grow accounts. Heading over to sign up. Best
Abhinav Rege
Hey @elliotrthomas I think your website is down