
Sketchfab Virtual Reality - Explore a million things on Vive, Oculus, GearVR & Cardboard


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Hi ProductHunt! We are excited to release our VR apps for HTC Vive, Oculus, Gear VR and Cardboard, plus initial WebVR support. The apps provide a dedicated VR experience with a showcase of models, while WebVR lets you explore the entire Sketchfab library in VR from the Web. Give it a try and let us know how it goes!
Mathieu Gosselin
@albn Would be cool if the whole 'sketchfab' was like in a huge 3d browsable library or something(instead of more conventional 2d planes). So you bring out little 3d models from some shelves or something and you can scale them at will. I think sketchfab as a great opportunity to sort of 'pioneer' a fully web browsable VR experience... Food for thought!
@matgosselin that's the plan yep :)
Clément Delangue
I've tried the app on the Vive. Fantastic experience to discover everything in VR from great art and heritage to the latest sneakers! Awesome job team Sketchfab!
Nicolas Princen
I have tried this and it blew me away. @alban do you think anyone will be able to shoot 3D footage and pull it into a VR environment soon? Like my holiday pictures or family events? Great job
Thanks @nicoprincen! And yes, you can already do that, using only consumer products :) Here are some of the first steps of my son With our new VR support, simply publishing it on Sketchfab makes it viewable as a VR environment on any headset.
Stuart P. Bentley
Something's wrong with the way this is listed in Steam - it's not included when filtering for VR in the list of software.
Stuart P. Bentley
You've got some frame timing issues you ought to look into: Not sure what's causing this jank (maybe try moving to the Unity 5.4 beta and/or updating the SteamVR plugin in your project?), but the fullscreen, full-framerate display mirroring probably isn't doing you any favors - I'd consider using a smaller window, updated every fourth frame or so.
Stuart P. Bentley
What was your toolchain for the photogrammetry?
Stephen Davies
Nothing is better than a VR journey to bring education to the masses. Loved the historic visits and jumps back in time. Very immersive.