The goal of Sizzy is to save time and increase the productivity of designers and developers. Work on your website and instantly preview the changes on multiple devices at once.
@thebezzo Hey Mateusz. Sizzy is not a modified browser, it's a browser made from scratch using Electron and React. We worked very hard on it for a long time and it's based on a subscription model because we're planning to add more features in the future.
@thebezzo Seriously? Should it be free? It'a a tool they have spend a lot of time on. It's a tool that will make you work faster and build better websites. You don't need to pay for it if you don't want it.
@tommyjvedvik Not free, I was not saying anything like that :)
I'm saying that there are around a lot of powerful tools than this one and they are in a one-time payment business model. They're not even providing trial version.
I want to try it, but honestly the no trial is a dealbreaker for me, personally. For something like this, I really need to be able to try it to see how it feels before purchase.
- Looks nice
- Good landing page
- Subscription model (would prefer 1 time payment license)
- No demo/trial
@bluetidepro@samionmiles@jeroendeprest@syncnd, a trial is needed but a one time fee is not practical for the developers. This service has to be constantly maintained & updated with all the new devices, resolutions & browser updates.
I created Sizzy as a web app in 2017 to help me with one of my landing pages. I quickly bumped into the limits of the web platform and realized that unless it's a proper native browser it will never be able to simulate the real devices, sync the scrolling position, take full-page screenshots, etc.
Two years later here we are. The Sizzy browser packs tons of helpful features and me and @praneet_rohida1 have huge plans for the future.
Hope you like it! 🥳
I just opened a public Trello board where anyone can submit feature request, bugs, and vote for features:
Let's do this together 💪
This looks great! My main personal hesitation in trying it though is the subscription model. Have you considered a model like Sketch where you pay every year just to be able to receive new updates, but old versions don't stop working if you don't renew? I pay Sketch every single year but I'm so much more comfortable doing it knowing that if I ever choose to stop paying, I can at least keep using the most recent version I paid for indefinitely.
@adamwathan thanks! I haven't considered this model because it's a bit more complex to implement, but I'll keep it in mind. Feel free to try Sizzy and if it doesn't work out for you you'll get a 100% refund. My twitter DMs are also open for a discussion.
@adamwathan@thekitze I think - One time fee for x amount of earliest users can be a very smart strategy to grow revenue very fast very early. How the model scales from there to show continues growth rate can get complicated if not thought out properly when designed pricing structure and financial model 18-24-26 months out. Prob all well aware of this just thought id share my thoughts...I think 30 day free trial is smartest. If the product is worth it for user they will pay after 1 months, if not they would have been bothering you for refund.
@fatihturan Hey! I just checked it out and it looks like it's focused on viewing one device at a time. You could already too that in Chrome and Safari, so that's why Sizzy's focus was on easily developing for multiple devices at once and having a bird's-eye view of your app. There are many other advantages (all explained on the landing page), but the major one is our screenshot algorithm. It's is even better and more customizable than the one in Chrome.
Let me know if you have any other question!
@fatihturan@thekitze I really concerns me that you "just checked it out" (Blisk) That is a direct competitor and you didn't know that? I pay for Blisk today and it too is a subscription model and I get it. But it has a lot of features you show so I'm not sure why you wouldn't be highlighting the things you have that are unique. Developing a product in a vacuum without knowing what is out there usually means you also aren't considering user interest or use cases - which is supported by all of the complaints about no trial. I'm paying for the product but also the developer when I buy into a subscription model and this is concerning.
@thetwopct Thank you! I haven't tried it so I have no idea.
Sizzy includes some unique features like:
- Screenshot a viewport of a device
- Screenshot a full page (our algorithm gives better results than Chrome's screenshot functionality)
- Screenshot all devices and save them in a .zip file
- Automatically scroll page to a selector
Soon we're adding User Plugins, Presets, Custom Themes, Free Floating Mode, etc.
@thetwopct@thekitze Polypane has those "unique" features too. As others have said, it seems crazy that you haven't even tried it since it does basically the same thing with a similar pricing model (and they have a trial). Not saying you can't create something better but to completely ignore direct competition isn't usually a good idea.
@thetwopct@29thflr Nope, no other app has the features that I listed above. If you're curious about how Sizzy was created read this article from 2017:
When I had this problem back then I couldn't find any alternative to it, so I built my own solution.
@thetwopct@thekitze "I haven't tried it so I have no idea." – @kitze on an app that doesn't have any of the features his app has even though he hasn't tried it.
I understand a subscription model for software that has a cloud/online component as this creates ongoing expenses for the company. This however is a downloadable software product so I can't understand your pricing model.
Compare this to another tool many designers use - Affinity Photo ( For $50 it can be used for many years across multiple computers. By contrast this tool costs $60/year/computer. So if you have an office and home computer and use the software for three years its cost of ownership is $360. If you use it longer the price just keeps multiplying.
I know you worked very hard on this product, but do you really believe it is worth more than 7 times as much as something like Affinity Photo? I would consider buying this as a utility item for $20-$50 one time purchase, but I can't see value above that.
I don't think this type of product should be a subscription model, personally. I could understand a 1 time fee, but I don't think a subscription model makes sense here. And regardless of either, you should really offer a free X day trial to allow users to see how it works before purchase. I'm personally not a fan of products that don't give you a hands on demo or trial.
Giving it a trial at the moment and it does everything I need. I was looking for an alternative to blisk browser, which is a fantastic browser for devs, but I am looking for cheaper alternatives. At $60 a year it comes in a half the cost.
My only issue is the licencing. I would prefer it to be per user instead of per computer. Sometimes I like to switch between my laptop and my main pc to work while i watch netflix. The price is spot on for solo guys and girls, but I think a 2 pc licence or a pc and laptop licence would be more suitable (you can have the software check if the device requires a battery for a laptop licence)
Habit Tracker with Emojional Intelligence
I want to try it, but honestly the no trial is a dealbreaker for me, personally. For something like this, I really need to be able to try it to see how it feels before purchase.
Pros:- Looks nice - Good landing page
Cons:- Subscription model (would prefer 1 time payment license) - No demo/trial
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If I can't try or test it out, there's no way I will pay for it.
Pros:Looks good and the fact that you can see what it looks like on multiple devices.
Cons:No trial period or free plan.