Sindre Sorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer & Aspiring Rebel
Sindre Sorhus
Touch Bar Simulator — The macOS Touch Bar Simulator as a standalone app

Touch Bar Simulator lets you use the Touch Bar on any Mac.

Sindre Sorhus
I recently got into macOS development [0] and Swift, and I'm currently working on an app where I want to support the Touch Bar. I don't have the new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, so I was stuck with having to launch the simulator from inside Xcode. I built this app to make it easier to code and design for the Touch Bar. Not everyone has or even wants Xcode installed, for example, designers, non-developers, or developers making apps with Electron (which now supports the Touch Bar). This app bundles the Touch Bar simulator at build time so users don't need to have Xcode installed. It also adds a handy screenshot button. I'm happy to entertain other useful features. Note that it requires macOS 10.12.2 or later. It's of course open-source. Contributions welcome! :) [0]:
Honey Raj Varma
@sindresorhus you had me at "I recently got into macOS development [0] and Swift..." - thats great, how long have you been learning?
Sindre Sorhus
@raj_ventures About 3 months.
Arun Pattnaik
The screenshot icon takes the screenshot of touchbar itself.
Sindre Sorhus
@arunpattnaik That's a feature. What did you expect?
Sam Dickie
@sindresorhus @arunpattnaik to open facetime or screenshot?
Arun Pattnaik
@thisdickie @sindresorhus The icon made me think it'll open photo booth. Screenshot-ing the touchbar didn't intuitively cross my mind. But then I'm not a developer, so it could be just me.
Justin Stanley
@sindresorhus @arunpattnaik I think maybe you're thinking that that button is on a real touch bar as's not...that's just for this app to grab a screenshot of the touch bar. (There is a screenshot button you can add to the system button area, but that's another story).
Ahmed Sulaiman
Looks great! QAs and Designers could use this simulator to test Touch Bar support without installing Xcode and stuff. Screenshot button also would be useful for them 😉 Well done!
Ghost Kitty
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Sindre Sorhus
@tchret I'm starting out by solving my own problems. Both Battery Indicator and the next app I'm working on, are apps I really want to use myself. I approach app development by thinking - How simple can I make this app while still solving the 95% use-case? I deliberately try to have as few settings as possible, as most users just want a great experience than having to configure one themselves.
Edwin Klesman
This standalone build of the Touch Bar Simulator is a really welcome addition. Using, trying, and developing with the Touch Bar now is within everybody's reach! #sharingiscaring
Lisa Dziuba
That's a very good alternative to buying a new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar 😂
@lisadziuba haha this was actually my situation. i was considering getting the new MBP after the superb Apple marketing videos... but after trying the touch bar in Duet Display, it was easy to see the touch bar wasn't for me. saved $1990.00 :)
Abe Bahgat
for Macbook pro touchbar users - you can already take a screenshot of the touchbar by using the built in keyboard shortcut CMD+SHIFT+6
Harry Liu
This is super cool! It even automatically adjust buttons after I opened Sketch 3. Two suggestions: 1) Allow user to pin the touch bar on the bottom of screen. 2) Allow user to enable the touch bar take up full width of the screen.
Sam Verschueren
Works very well! Especially with an external monitor, dock on one screen, touch bar on the other!
Olivier deLamarzelle
Awesome work ! So useful and it welp definitely help me in my future projets ! Thank you :)
Dre Durr💡
Very Dope🚬🚬🚬 I love the creativity
André J
Awesome that your on the swift bandwagon 👍
Irshad PC
@sindresorhus love it 😍