
Sincerely Karen - An AI powered complaint generator


With this AI Complaint Generator, you’ll have a humorous yet effective way to vent, influence change, or simply channel your inner Karen without any effort. Perfect for everyday frustrations.

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Imagine this: I’ve had enough of spending time trying to describe exactly what’s wrong with a product or service, whether it’s a damaged item or a terrible experience. All I want is to snap a picture, let some smart AI recognize the problem areas, and then have it craft a perfectly detailed complaint to hold the right people accountable. That’s where this idea came in. An AI complaint generator that can analyze the “broken” or subpar elements directly from a photo and write a well-crafted email on my behalf. No more lengthy descriptions, no more figuring out how to phrase the frustration—just capture, send, and make sure someone knows that this is unacceptable. Imagine how empowering it would be to have an instant, effortless way to address bad experiences. I want a tool that not only sees what I see but speaks for me, articulating all the disappointment I’m feeling in a professional, effective way. It’s not about being difficult; it’s about making sure standards are upheld. We all deserve better, and with an AI-powered complaint assistant, we can finally demand it with ease.
Jorge Alcántara
The name made me laugh! Now, I think it could be even more useful if geared towards web feedback, so QA for example could use it to report UI bugs for example in Jira. Best of luck, and happy building!
@jalcantara thank you! :) I suppose it's possible to still do this if you use the team's name + non-product mode (service / experience) to describe all the QA issues.
Haha. I love it when people are using AI to make fun product. The Karen mode is wild!
@zeng thank you!
Evelyn Kumsah
This AI Complaint Generator sounds like a fun and creative way to let off steam! Does the generator allow for different levels of humor or tones? For example, can users choose between a lighthearted complaint or a more serious tone depending on the situation?
@evelyn_kumsah thank you! Sure does, that's what `unleash the karen` mode is for VS `keep it classy` :)
Sonal Thomas
Enjoyed it, unique idea and the generation is fast. Good job.
@sonal_thomas thank you! There's only maybe 450 lines of code for the entire project — kept it supper lean!
Max Comperatore
Launching soon!
This is indeed a most exquisite application—both remarkably useful and thoughtfully crafted. I have cast my upvote in its favor with great enthusiasm. My sincere thanks to all involved in its creation.
@maxcompe thank you!
Huzaifa Shoukat
Congrats on the launch! This AI Karen generator sounds hilarious. What's the most entertaining complaint you've generated so far?
@ihuzaifashoukat thank you! I did one for IKEA and the output was wild! I had to keep it classy instead!
Hayley Melidonis
Not just the name- but similar to an idea I had years ago of a way to contact any customer service through one app- and get resolution bc it's public..like trust pilot. I'm going to try this for sure.
Josh Dormody
This might make me a little less annoyed while writing a complaint. Love it!!
@josh_dormody thank you! Hope it helps!
Sacha Dumay
nice light product with some fun!
@sacha_dumay thank you!
Unleash the Karen - brilliant haha. Best of luck. I hope this picks up steam. The product complaints data could be a goldmine.
@azizka thank you, I don't actually collect the data as I'm not sure what the value would be tbh — what do you think?
@rahu1 one example would be lead gen, e.g. karen complains about malfunctioning dishwasher; you sell that lead to local dishwasher repairs service. another is strategic ad placements, e.g. karen complains about t-mobile, you target her with att ads. last but not least, affiliate products, e.g. ikea table wobbles? get a similar one of better quality on wayfair. again assuming good amount of traffic and thus data
Jinbo Liang
Really love the idea. :) I had a blast using Sincerely Karen to craft my complaint emails. Unleash the Karen
@jinboliang thank you!