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Paul Jarvis

Make money online - make money online — Nick D and Kai Davis have a podcast that isn't awful.

✨ Kai Davis ✨
Hey folks! Co-host of Make Money Online here! Happy to answer any questions you have about the podcast, life, or making money online. ;-) You can read more about our terrible, horrible, probably not awful podcast at
Paul Jarvis
@kaisdavis I've heard that you can use the internet to make money online now. If that's true, how much money? And exactly how does one go about booting up the internet to make this happen?
nick disabato
@pjrvs @kaisdavis Excellent question. We have made a combined total of $3.46 USD online since January 12, 2012, and are hopeful that we'll make more money online in the future. If your online isn't booting right the first time, don't despair! You aren't the first person to have this problem. Just turn the Internet off and back on again. That seems to solve most issues. Thanks so much for your support, and we look forward to all the money *you'll* make online!
✨ Kai Davis ✨
@pjrvs So far, since launching Make Money Online, we have made *$3.46*. We're optimistic about the future! I've found that AOL brand Internet CDs are *very* useful when it comes to booting up the Internet. When you hear that serene 'You've Got Mail' voice through your Soundblaster™ sound card, you know you're making money online!
@pjrvs @kaisdavis I would like the answer to this as well. I turned on the internet but my bank account is not yet full. What am I done wrong?
nick disabato
Co-blatherer here. Happy to answer any and all questions: future episodes, overall premise, voice & tone, etc!
Paul Jarvis
✨ Kai Davis ✨
Josh Garofalo
The bit about determining what success means to you is huge. If you don't do that, it's easy to fool yourself into working non-stop to make as much money as possible. I was forced to think about this during the summer. I started my freelance copywriting business right after Microconf (@kaidavis you were at my lunch table haha). I started making good money while still at my job (more than I was making at work). When I quit and got off salary, it suddenly became possible to work 16 hours a day/7 days a week and get paid for it if I wanted to. Taking a break meant losing money. When the opportunity to head to a cottage for a week presented itself... I could only think about the money I wouldn't be making. Luckily, I had the foresight to sit down and evaluate my goals and said "F&^k it" and went on the trip. But, I imagine many burn out before they make this realization.
✨ Kai Davis ✨
@swaycopy Hey buddy! Will I see you at MicroConf this year?! :) I completely agree. I've hit that same decision point. It's hard to say no to the money — but the benefit of being consultants is that we get to say 'yes' or 'no' to opportunities. I'm happy you made a healthy choice :) ♥
Josh Garofalo
@kaisdavis I desperately want to go again this year. Best conference I've ever been to. The hustle rubbed off on me and I literally got started the day I got home and haven't looked back. BUT, I'll be getting married and sitting on a beach somewhere this April. Perhaps the focus on family at Microconf also rubbed off on me haha. 2017 for sure!
Philip Morgan
It's a rare glimpse into
✨ Kai Davis ✨
@philip_morgan The void? The future? The process of making money online?!
Philip Morgan
@kaisdavis Oh, sorry, my keyboard battery must have cut out there. I was saying this podcast is unique because it's a rare glimpse into a sort of thin
Philip Morgan
@kaisdavis Ugh! This darn keyboard!! So what I was trying to say is that the cohosts on this podcast provide a rare glimpse into what it's like to be successful and yet to also be
✨ Kai Davis ✨
@philip_morgan *rubs Make Money Online decoder ink on the screen* Ah, yes, I agree, we provide that rare glimpse into what it's like to be successful and yet to also be fabulously handsome. While we both have voices for radio (well, podcasting) we have faces for television.
Philip Morgan
@nickd @kaisdavis Oh heyz guis, I'm bak. Mei keybored dyed and so ey hadd to get a new 1 and it says dyorvaak so this is alll cummming out reel funne. Aneewayy,,, I lyke yur show@@@
Jeremy Green
Where do I go to collect my online monies?
nick disabato
@jagthedrummer The monies find *you*, Jeremy. Go to the money fields, out west. You will find the monies you seek there.
✨ Kai Davis ✨
@nickd @jagthedrummer ## West of Money You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door, full of money. There is a small mailbox here, full of money. What do you do? >
Tom Siodlak
Awesome Kai, I can't wait to listen :) You just keep giving more and more value.
This podcast from Kai and Nick is ok.
✨ Kai Davis ✨
@callmecasey I appreciate your mild enthusiasm and/or grudging support!
Marian Edmunds
A podcast that makes $ense.
Pawel Janiak
Upvote from me. Very entertaining. 👾
Jure Žove
You guys are actually kinda funny!