Justin Jackson

MegaMaker - 037 - "Find and validate good product ideas" - A system for discovering what people want.

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Mr. Bradley
Great episode! Expanding on the intro quote just a bit, I would say that you shouldn't just focus on researching the customer’s needs/wants, but spend some time researching the *system* that your client is trying to progress through. It opens your eyes to new solutions and opportunities that have a lot of overlap with new customers you may not have considered to be in your lane. There are far fewer systems than there are perceived needs/wants. Know the system and you'll see the pain points. i.e. Uber didn't just look at frustrated taxi patrons (client want/need) and see a problem they could solve (replace taxis), they looked at the system the client was in and saw an opportunity to realign the idea of transportation. Keep it going, JJ!
Alan Klement
@beingbrad Boom! Very well said! When I wrote about avoiding studying customer needs/wants and instead focus on the system, I thought people would think I was crazy. But you've shown that other people think along the same lines. Another example using uber: A car owner in NYC will complain about parking. They say, "we need more parking in this city" . That seems like a "need". But the problem isn't that there's no parking in NYC, the problem is that a crowded city like NYC isn't a good place to own a car. It's better if this person used a service like uber, or own an autonomous car can find its own parking - either nearby or far away.
Chris Naylor
@alanklement @beingbrad It's worth checking out Richard Buchanan’s Four Orders of Design
Justin Jackson
"The reason people buy a product is they imagine their lives better with that product, than without it." That's the sentiment behind this episode. I include a great excerpt from @alanklement's upcoming JTBD book. It's been a long hiatus since the last episode. Sorry! Had some health things come up. Trying to take it easy. ;)
Justin Jackson
BTW - I turned a segment of today's episode into a cartoon! https://youtu.be/Fd9CqUMwEek
Antonis Tsagaris
Justin at it again! Love the podcast, the backlog is part of my daily routine now! Thanks for mentioning the Coffee & Kale book, registered and looking forward to its release.
Corey Stone
Another good episode! Justin's always insightful, interesting, and presents things in an easy to understood way.