Ben Lang

Sidekix - A new way to explore hundreds of cities on foot. It's free!

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Sidekix is a smart walking and urban discovery app which offers routes according to your interests.

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Jenny Drezin
Hey Hunters! We’re happy to introduce you to the newly redesigned Sidekix, now available also on Android (as well as iOS). What is Sidekix, you ask? We’ve been called “waze for walkers” or the lovechild of Yelp and Google maps. At our essence, we are a smart walking and urban discovery app for people who love to explore on foot. We believe that walking is the best way to discover a city and truly understand its local vibe. Most navigation apps offer only the shortest or fastest way. This is fine when you’re in a rush, but less useful when you travel, or have leisure time to explore. To truly enjoy a city, you should enjoy it your way: So we pioneered the concept of experience based routing--offering route choices based on your interests. If you’re in Paris to shop, Sidekix will offer routes with the maximum number of boutiques. If you want the cultural side of Berlin, we include the most landmarks and historical buildings. How do we do this? Well, what we don’t do is overwhelm you with every business or attraction--just the highest rated ones. By curating suggestions, make it easier to have urban adventures on the fly. Sidekix is available in hundreds of cities through-out the US, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia, and adding more all the time. We’d love for you to try us! -Jenny, Sidekix Co-founder
Robert Bye
Top Product
@jenny_drezin Last time I was in NYC I walked over 25 miles in 3 days. Walking is 100% the best way to experience a city!
Jenny Drezin
@robjbye That's awesome. Obviously we agree! NYC is my hometown and definitely the city to walk.
Tal Gross

Overall a great way to quickly get your bearing in a new place.


Very easy to use. Used it in several cities across Europe.


Would love to see an offline version.

Yehoram Dilmani

I used it several times when I travelled abroad and it was better than any other guide


Shows you places around you and suggests great walking routes upon your interests


can't think of one

Sivan Baram
Awesome product! Well done sidekix team!
Jenny Drezin
@sivan_baram Thanks so much! The idea was to provide something with a different kind of value that what you get from normal navigation apps.
Ori Bar-shavit

When it's simple it's fun


It's just fun to use and really helped me make my trip fan


More cities please

Chedva Kleinhandler

As someone who traveles a lot but has very limited time to explore, Sidekix helps me experience the cities I visit according to my (very specific) intesrests and dietary restrictions


I travel a lot for business and it helps me experience the city even with very limited time



Alan Houser
BRILLIANT LOGO. that is all
Jenny Drezin
@pixelmelter Thanks, I'll pass the complement onto our awesome designer
Jenny Drezin
@pixelmelter Also, would appreciate if you could--ahem--do the next best thing to leaving a comment, thanks!
Alan Houser
@jenny_drezin you mean upvote? :D Just did.
Jenny Drezin
@pixelmelter yep, thanks!
Alex Spade

I use it whenever I travel, and also I found some cool places in my home town


Great app, love it that it suggest route by theme



Hani Baumgarten

Used it in my city and when I was travelling. Really useful.


It's an awesome app. Shows you where to go and what to do. Love the events feature!


It's great. No issues.

Avner Bluer

Great app to use while traveling or just want to discover new interesting places around you


Excellent sites recommendation

Very easy navigation system


Couldn't be better

Aya Shapir
Happy to see the new Sidekix on PH! As a "walker", I love the concept. Great for independent/self-navigated "walking tours" at your own pace. Can't wait to try out the new version. Good luck Jenny & team! 😃👍👟
Jenny Drezin
@adividedbys Thanks. Happy for you to check out the new design, as well as new features, including events around you, thematic guides, etc.
Shahar Alon

I loved using it on my last trip to Germany. It's very easy to use, and includes so many options.


My best travel friend when I travel!


The display needs some ajustments for a samsung screen.

Paul Nylund
I love this! I already do this manually, so this is a great idea :)
Jenny Drezin
@paul_nylund Thanks! We create theme-based routes automatically, but you can also personalize by adding or taking off interesting places.
Alex Marshall
Really good idea, look forward to trying this on my next trip! Do you curate everything yourself? Or are ratings crowdsourced? Also, love the explainer video - design and content is fab!
Jenny Drezin
@marsh931 Thanks for your feedback. Ratings are crowdsourced. We also work with bloggers to be able to show urban gems.
James Clean

Looking forward to check it out


Looks like a great idea


none that i could think of

Daniel Anderson

This is my goto travel and navigation app


very intuitive and easy to use


offline version could be nice

Clément Chanut
Nice ! Awesome !
Jenny Drezin
@clement_chanut Thanks. Hope you get a chance to try us out.
Robert Melkonyan
Is this working only in US?
Jenny Drezin
@melkonyanrob Sidekix works in hundreds of cities around the world, US, Europe, Australia, parts of Asia, parts of Latin America, etc. Use this link for a list of cities/countries,
Hey team - great work! Exploring by foot is really the best way to digest the vibe of any city you are in - I read below that ratings are crowdsourced and bloggers generate content - how do I sign up? Would love to add some hidden gems in Orange County! :)
Jenny Drezin
@sidsriramoju Awesome. Thanks so much for your offer to help! At the moment, we get info from bloggers and add them internally. I would be happy for you to send me suggestions/reviews of interesting places through PM,
Pablo Fernández
I'm a terrible traveler so this looks like a potential win. On November I'm going to MicroConf at Lisbon, Portugal. Would the app work well there?
Jenny Drezin
@pupeno Hi, i personally used it in Lisbon and found an awesome restaurant on it (amazing food on a back street I wouldn't have noticed otherwise), so I do think it works well there.