Andrew Wilkinson

Shift - Shift is the productivity tool missing from your workday.

Shift is the desktop app for streamlining your accounts, apps, and workflows. Tired of switching between accounts, and logging in and out? Connect all of your email accounts + your favorite web apps and tools to Shift. Have you used Shift? Leave us a review!

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Nadia Tatlow
Hey Hunters! As promised, we've got a special surprise for the First 100 to pounce 😺 Here’s what you do: Download Shift > head into Settings > click on the Pro tab (in-app) and enter our special discount code. If you’re quick enough, you’ll be automatically credited with Shift Pro for an entire year free. Ready for it? Here's the code: First100 *Please note that it is case sensitive!
Reinald Freling
@nadia_tatlow I used the code but nothing happened. And I now spent $19.99 I didn't plan to... There should be a way of indicating the coupon code isn't valid anymore or something...
Reinald Freling
@nadia_tatlow Is there anyway of cancelling? It says cancel anytime in settings tab but there are no links anywhere to do so.
Mori Baum
@nadia_tatlow I'm sorry - your product seems very nice but it feels like a scam when you offer a coupon but I have to enter my credit card details in order to see if I was quick enough. About to uninstall.
Nadia Tatlow
@rfreling Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like a little glitch. We would be happy to provide you with a year of Pro for free, and you can cancel at anytime so that it does not renew (unless you change your mind at some point). Just email us at and we will take care of you.
Reinald Freling
@mori_baum @nadia_tatlow same here, I feel a bit cheated. Nice product but I simply wanted to use the coupon code, not subscribe for a year.
Tobyn Sowden
Hello Product Hunters, and thank you @awilkinson for hunting Shift! We built Shift with people who rely on multiple Gmail accounts and G-Suite apps like Docs, Drive and Calendar - for both personal and business purposes - in mind. In particular, those that love the Gmail web interface! One of the biggest pain points they face is constantly needing to toggle between all of these accounts. Shift ends that nightmare with one beautiful solution. Here are Shift’s best features: - Access Multiple Gmail/Inbox Accounts - Easily Switch Between Mail, Calendar & Drive - Cross-Platform Support for Windows, Mac, and Linux - Native Desktop Notifications - Support for With Pro, you can add unlimited accounts, across Gmail and Outlook. Shift Basic is completely free, and allows you to access up to two Gmail accounts. The good news? Every Product Hunter gets a free 90 day trial of Shift Pro! To redeem yours, make sure to click through to our website directly from here. Hint: Once you have downloaded Shift, check back in the comments below for a secret coupon code. The first one hundred customers to use the code in-app will get Shift Pro free for an entire year! Thanks for checking out Shift - we are excited to hear what you think! PS: I am putting my CEO cap on, and looking at opportunities to grow Shift. I am considering spinning it out to do just that. Right now, I am interested in chatting with highly motivated individuals that believe they could take Shift to the next level as CEO. I am also open to investors that would like to participate in that spin out. If you can help with either of those, directly, or indirectly, please feel free to email me:
Tobyn Sowden
For those of you interested in sharing Shift with your friends, family, and colleagues - make sure you check out our referral program! You can share the Shift out of your unique referral code.. found in the app (Shift > Settings > Invite Friends). Have fun and #GetShiftDone!
Tobyn Sowden
@adithya Thanks for using Shift! Appreciate your feedback. We're considering including Docs & Sheets additionally so that this doesn't happen.
Bruce Kraft Jr.
@tobyns to increase adoption, I'd also recommend a landing page where accounts can be created without having to download the software to create an account.
Tobyn Sowden
@brucekraftjr uhhhh that's an amazing idea!! 👏 will work that into the next big release.
Bruce Kraft Jr.
@tobyns since I missed out on the "first100" promo code since there was no way to create an account from a webpage, is there I could still try that out for a year? ? I've downloaded the client, and it looks AND RUNS great so far
You have a typo on your pricing page. It says $19.99 per Year, should be Month :)
Tobyn Sowden
@sandrojazzar Believe it or not, it's actually ONLY $19.99 per YEAR! :) #GetShiftDone
@tobyns give whoever came up with #getshiftdone a medal 😂
Tobyn Sowden
@mannyorduna MEDAL AWARDED -> @nadia_tatlow
Nadia Tatlow
@tobyns @mannyorduna I just upvoted the Shift out of that comment 😁
Fraser Smith
Ok, $19.99 a year isn't expensive, but Kiwi does the same as this for a one time fee that's less than half that. As I said before, yes, Shift looks a bit nicer, but what else is it bringing to the table to justify a subscription over a one-time purchase?
Yecine Dhouib
@frassmith I was thinking the same i use kiwi everyday and it's fantastic. But when people send me drive links or when i have to go on the google developper console or to google play account the nightmare is still here. I have to logout from one account and login into another one ...
Fraser Smith
@yecine_dhouib When did you last update Kiwi? Drive is built in now, as are Docs, Sheets and Slides as well as Calendar.
Andreas Duess
@frassmith Kiwi is 10 bucks once (Canadian!) and a super-solid product. I have a hard time paying Yet Another Subscription in the email space for a product that doesn't do all that much.
Tobyn Sowden
@frassmith @andreasduess @yecine_dhouib If you love Kiwi, we love you. People that use Kiwi understand the problem of navigating Google accounts. We thought we could add our own spin and have some exciting features coming in 2017. Shift is more expensive and it's a subscription... we felt that we couldn't build a sustainable business off a small one time fee. Also, we're Canadian too! :)
Andreas Duess
@tobyns @frassmith @yecine_dhouib that's fair enough - I understand the need to build a business model - however, when I am adding up my annual subscriptions, the total becomes quite the number.
Fares Nimri
@Tobyn does Shift not work/compatible with Mixmax? That might be the only deal-breaker for me...
Nadia Tatlow
@faresnimri @tobyns Hi! Jumping in here quickly + thanks for the feedback. Not compatible yet, but this one is on our list!
Paul Loeb
@nadia_tatlow @faresnimri @tobyn I'll second this, I can't switch until you add mixmax or other email tracking
Naveed Hedayati
@nadia_tatlow @paul_loeb @faresnimri @tobyn Thirding this. I was literally in awe of the product until I couldn't see my mixmax/mailtrack plugins at work. I'm going to put the product down for now, but I'm going to be in love with it once it gets that functionality.
Nadia Tatlow
@naveedh @paul_loeb @faresnimri Alright you three - save that thought - @papafouche @tobyns and I will brb with more Shift features for you and your plugins very soon!
It is actually quite hilarious that Google hasn't implemented a unified inbox yet.
Tobyn Sowden
@mannyorduna We think so too! We're avid Gmail and G Suite users and struggle with the flip flopping and context switching.
Kalo Yankulov
The UI looks sexy. Huge question — do you support Gmail addons?
Tobyn Sowden
@kaloyanyankulov It's on the roadmap for Q1 release!!! (shhhh don't tell @papafouche, but it's happening)
Brad Oliver
Great so far. In my quest for the perfect multi-gmail account email client I've tried Kiwi, Airmail, Mailplane, Nylas N1, Polymail, Postbox, Spark and more. So far Shift seems to address a few of the major tradeoffs that have kept me searching. Keep up the good work.
Nadia Tatlow
@thebradoliver Much appreciated! We are stoked to have you on board.
Steven Hambleton
@thebradoliver What didn't you like about Kiwi that you did with Shift?
Brad Oliver
@stinhambo Whoa, Steven... sorry for the delayed response. I backed Kiwi on Kickstarter and had been using it since beta. I have no major gripes with Kiwi, but they hit a rough patch there for a while (lots of crashes). All of that was resolved months ago but I guess I just have to say I prefer Shift's UI... it just works better for my needs and habits.
Gregarious Narain
Is there a keyboard shortcut for changing accounts? I see command-1,2,3 switches views.
Tobyn Sowden
@gregarious CMD+Option Up/Down Arrow.. this will move up and down accounts and then CMD+Option Left/Right Arrow will move between views (Mail, Calendar, Drive) ... you're already becoming a power user!! #GetShiftDone
@tobyns @gregarious Is there any way to change this in the settings? It conflicts with another application that also uses CMD+Option+(arrows)
Tobyn Sowden
@brenodamata @gregarious we had this issue multiple times throughout the last sprint, we kept running into shortcuts that were used elsewhere. I expect that we'll do what you suggest and have an option to set your own custom shortcuts. Likely not until some time in Q1 though.
Jónas Bergmann Björnsson
I love this, but I cannot for the life of me understand why this is a subscription? Should be just a straight 20 USD or something.
Michael Foucher
@jonasbjornsson We have some exciting new features coming in 2017 on our product roadmap. We felt that we couldn't build a sustainable business off a small one time fee and thought subscription service would help us deliver a product that continues to innovate.
Troy Osinoff
Love this concept as someone with multiple email addresses. What is the advantage of using this instead of simply "adding account" on the top right of your gmail? (Or is the bigger sell that it's a standalone app) Any plans for iOS app?
Nadia Tatlow
Yo @yo - that's great to hear! With Shift, you are not only toggling between Mail accounts the way you would by 'adding account' - you are also accessing Calendar, and Drive for each one, without the hassle of multiple browser tabs/logging in/logging out. 🔑
Amit Bajaj
Shift is absolutely fantastic. I'm on the free version right now to try it out but I already love it - because on a daily basis, I switch between multiple Gmail accounts. I did want to ask though if there's any way to get Boomerang to still work within Shift? I know that's a Chrome extension but was just wondering if there would be a possible way?
Tobyn Sowden
@_amitsbajaj Not right now, but soon!! We expect to add support for the most popular Gmail chrome extensions (like Boomerang) in Q1 of 2017.
Mark Pors
@tobyns @_amitsbajaj activeinbox? Can't live without it :)
Roy Munin
Was just looking for a good solution for calendar! Awesome.
Tobyn Sowden
@muninjlm Thanks for checking out Shift! Pro tip: if you are switching between calendars and want to jump back into mail, just double click the account icon to head to straight to your mail view for that account.
Devesh Khanal
I've been using shift for about a week in beta and I can say I love it already. I run an agency and a couple of side businesses so I have a handful of Google accounts. It's this constant daily annoyance switching back and forth. It feels like I have this cheat code now when i just click on a separate account, then click on drive to get a file. No more re-authenticating 40 million times and all that nonsense. Thanks folks for making this.
Tobyn Sowden
@deveshkhanal We are so happy that you love Shift! Feel free to check out our referral program and share with your friends and colleagues (Shift -> Settings - > Invite Friends -> Unique Code). :D
Joseph H. Schwendt II
Love the UI and speed. For some crazy reason, it's way better than simply using multiple tabs in Chrome. That said, this one missing piece in my mind is chrome extension support. I use several chrome extensions for gmail and that's a must for me to use this. Give me that, and I'll buy right away!
Nadia Tatlow
@jschwendt Amazing! We've been working hard since our Preview (beta version) to make that happen. Extension support is coming...Q1. Happy to have you on the Shift train!
Paul Loeb
@nadia_tatlow @jschwendt Hi Nadia, any updates on support for extensions?
Nadia Tatlow
@paul_loeb @jschwendt Hey Paul! We are working hard to get these out asap; we know how much you count on them! We're a bit behind schedule, but they are on their way. Stay tuned!
Rick Chen
Let's give this a try!!
Nadia Tatlow
@rick_chen1 #GetShiftDone!!!
Kyle Wild
This looks amazing and is something I've been seeking for years and years. Lovely product!
Tobyn Sowden
@dorkitude Thanks for checking out Shift! #GetShiftDone
Boris Levin
Guys awesome product! I've used pretty much all the (Google Inbox) desktop clients for Mac OSX Wmail , Mailplane and others. Your product is by far the best I've used so far , will be upgrading to Pro shortly! Keep up the good work.
Tobyn Sowden
@borislevin82 Boris, thanks for checking out Shift! We're elated with your testimonial ;)
Sarah Doody
I first heard about Shift on Betalist. Like many people, I was in the frustrating loop of always switching between Google accounts for work and personal as well as between Gmail, Calendar, and Drive. After using Slack for a while I thought there had to be something similar that would let me switch between Google accounts (just like I switch teams on Slack). That's when I stumbled upon Shift on Betalist and I've been using it ever since. It's so seamless and saves me so much time from getting into the annoying switch account / login loops of Google accounts.
Nadia Tatlow
@sarahdoody Thank you - we are so glad you found us too! #foundingmember
Asaf Livne
This is... what I was needed! THANK YOU.
Tobyn Sowden
@r0dex Woohoo! Glad you are liking Shift. #GETSHIFTDONE :D
Asaf Livne
@tobyns Using it for the last 24 hours was amazing, gonna buy the premium. A bit weird to use at first because it's not open all day in my browser any more, but the value of the product is so massive, I think I'm pretty on it now :)
Tobyn Sowden
@r0dex Right on! I've been using pre-production releases since June. I get a lot of email so it's pretty important to me. Shift has been the first email client that I haven't bailed on within an hour. I think it's mostly because it's incrementally better than what I was already using: Gmail web. Now I can't live without it ;) Glad you're loving Shift too.