HireHer is on a mission to shrink the diversity gap in tech and help women in tech find jobs they love. It's a simple, elegant way for candidates to discover tech jobs and allows companies to connect with the smartest, most talented female engineers & designers.
Big thanks @erictwillis for hunting us!
I'm beyond excited to share HireHer with everyone here.
HireHer was built for two very important reasons:
1. To shrink the gender inequality and diversity gap and help women in tech find jobs they love.
2. For my mom. The diversity issue/inequality that women face in the tech and other industries hits really close to home for me. I've witnessed/witnessing my mom go threw it as I type this. HireHer is a place for women in tech to connect with companies that value diversity, inclusion and equality.
If you're interested in more of the story & thinking went into building HireHer, you can read more here:
I'll be here all day to answer any and all questions you might have.
@erictwillis Wow now we can have good pipeline of female engineers, marketers and designers. And @cliffdailey did a great job in putting up this homepage with simple H1 "WE BELIEVE IN DIV(HER)SITY."
There is a huge gender gap in tech and there's no doubt that it MUST be minimized. But something about this doesn't feel right to me. If a company were to think "we need to hire more women at our company, lets look for women to fill these roles instead of men..." isn't that as backward as saying "lets find men to fill these roles instead of a women?". I think it's a company's duty to hire the best person for the job-- gender/race/sexuality etc. should have absolutely no place in the hiring decision. That being said, any efforts to try and minimize the gender gap should be recognized and acknowledged so thank you very much!
@jakemor Thanks Jake for the feedback! I agree with you that its definitely the company’s duty to hire the best person for the job. That’s absolutely true and I actually addressed this in a Medium piece I recently wrote:
“Hire Her is not about hiring women just because they’re women — its about hiring great people who are just as talented, just as eager to solve hard problems and just as passionate about changing the world.”
You can check it out here if you want to read a bit more: https://medium.com/@cliffdailey/...
With that being said, HireHer just gives companies direct access to smart, super talented individuals, who happen to be women. Its for companies that believe what we believe and value what we value: Diversity :)
Congrats, Cliff! I run a group called Tech Ladies and we send a weekly newsletter that highlights a woman from our group and we also run job postings from tech companies looking to hire more women. I wrote a piece about it here back when it was just #NYCTechLadies (we are everywhere now): https://byrslf.co/everyone-wants...
Two questions: 1) Where do you source your candidates from? and 2) How do you determine what companies have good culture for women? For me, the first comes as a natural extension of our group that has 1400+ women who work in tech. For the second, I do research each company and lean on the group to tell me if they've had positive experiences at those companies before we feature them.
Also! Let me know if you'd like to team up somehow :)
@allisonveronica Thanks so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to jump in on the comments! I know exactly who you are :) — I actually read your #NYCTechLadies piece a while back, bookmarked it and thought to myself, “She’s someone I need to connect with.” I really love what you’re doing as well.
1. Right now we’re sourcing candidates through a combination of word-of-mouth, marketing, a pool (200+)of candidates from a previous startup I co-founded and of course today we’ve seen a pretty overwhelming influx of candidates, being featured on PH. We’re also reaching out to candidates directly.
2. Like you, we research companies ourselves and get feedback from candidates we reach out to and those that contact us wanting to learn more. I also pay close attention to companies publicly making a concerted effort to diversify their applicant pools (like Pinterest and Etsy)and reach out to those companies and startups.
And Yes! I’d definitely like to chat about teaming up. The feedback from your #NYCTechLadies group would be tremendously valuable. I would love to get feedback from your community on the product and help #NYCTechLadies in any way I can! Give me a shout anytime: cliff@hireher.co #DiversifyOrDie :)
Hi @dereckbreuning Thanks for the comment! To keep things simpler and more focused, we wanted to start with a small number of cites and grow slowly - to "getit right" so to speak. Also the current cities we're hiring in (SF, NY, Los Angeles etc..),we feel has the highest amount of top companies and startup activity. We plan to 🚀 soon to other markets!
@cliffdailey haha cool thanks for the reply! Was just wondering though. Good luck with the endeavor. I had a similar idea a few years ago for a business to hire more women in IT since they are very underrepresented. Have a good day!
This is awesome -- huge need for a tool like this right now. Wrote a post recently about different learnings and tools I've found in the process of diversity and hiring (https://medium.com/@salmansays/h...), will add this to the post!
@salmansays Sweet! Thanks Salman - I would really appreciate it if you did add HireHer to your post! And please reach out if you need more info. Thanks again for the kind words.
About time somebody made a tool like this--it's time to level the playing field and this will help to stop some of the excuses hopefully that have plagued us for years You should get this out to all the Girls Who Code groups also ---spread the word on this everybody please
@workstationw Bill, thanks for the feedback. And yes, I agree, it is time to "level the playing field". We're pledging 1% of HireHer revenues to support groups like GWC that are inspiring, supporting and helping more women get into tech. Thanks for your support!
I would love to somehow collaborate HireHer with my women's rights activism project, Beautiful Army. To the person in charge, let's connect. http://beautiful.army/post/13993...
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