super intuitive!
Pros:Great tool! Saved us a bunch of time automating our KPI´s.
Great free version
Pros:Great tool to automate all the bussines tasks
Cons:Easy and Intuitive
I got it because I had no other way of getting google sheets to do what I needed it to do. This app is constantly growing and improving. When I first started using it, there were any number of minor bugs, although the core functioned worked great, now, only a few months later, most of the pesky bugs that I saw have been fixed.
Pros:Can't be blank
Cons:can't be blank
Very useful, I recomend it!
Pros:Fantastic tool!! It helps me a lot conecting all my sheets.
People around me that uese it for a long time y very happy with it
Pros:good reviews and recommentarios
Cons:not tested yet
If you have the wherewithal to build/architect a solution with Google Sheets (and I believe it's getting easier all the time with their template options if you like), and just need a team to enable you with simple and elegant interfaces for Google Sheets interconnection, automated data transfer, and an amazing customer support team, look no further. Especially, if you are finding yourself not wanting to afford an off-the shelf cloud/SaaS software (or maybe can't find just what you need in the market), Sheetgo is an excellent option to explore. Highly recommend this team and product!
Pros:Amazing people and product! Sheetgo is the data flow engine within our budget/forecast models!
Cons:Nothing. They listen closely and actively to issues and act quickly!