Bharat Dwarkani

Share Tech Links - A platform to share news links


A web-based portal - contains a curated list of resource links of different programming technologies. It provides a platform to share tech links of articles, blog, resources well organized with tags, across various programming technologies.

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Lachlan Kirkwood
Love the platform UI 🙌 Really love the scoring system for user profiles too, awesome work!
Bharat Dwarkani
Share Tech Links - is a web-based portal. It contains a curated list of hand-picked resource links of different programming technologies. It provides a platform to share tech links of articles, blog, resources, technical stuff across various programming technologies. Links are well organized under appropriate topics and tags. The concept is different from the existing Blog/Q&A sites. Here only links can be shared with a short description under a specific topic. Site Link - Feature Tour - Features: Tagging Support Posts categorization under appropriate topics Anyone can share - Will be visible to the public after the moderator approved. Gamification - Credit to Contributors for each post Optimized for speed and performance page loads within seconds. Mobile friendly Bookmark feature Like/Unlike the post User Profiles Filters to sort by - recent, popularity, most viewed Future Enhancements in Version 2.0 Android app Universal Search - by content/title/URL Email Subscription In App Notifications Follow User / Topic RSS Feed Feedback and contributions are welcome.
John Martin
Another alternative to this: