Jose Vieitez

ShadowBid - iOS App - A simple iOS app to automate saving money on Amazon


ShadowBid is the best way to save money on Amazon! Prices change up to 80 million times every day (shocking!), and we help you take advantage of all that volatility through automated purchasing when the price drops to the level you set. Find your product, view the price history chart, and set your price. We'll take care of the rest for you!

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Wesley James
Hello Product Hunt, and thanks to @josevieitez for hunting us! We started ShadowBid to improve online shopping and to bring new tools to the experience that will help people save time and money. There are a handful of tools out there that we love, and we have incorporated some of their features, like historical price charts. But we envisioned bringing financial trading tools to eCommerce shopping, and we couldn’t find anyone that would let people place a blind bid which would automatically purchase when the price dropped. We launched our Chrome extension late last year and are stoked to announce that the iOS app is now live! Here are the highlights: - Search for any product that is sold on Amazon. - You will see the historical price chart along with a high and low price for the time period. - When you’re ready to place a bid, just type in the amount and choose a duration. - Bids can also be left open GTC (good-til-cancelled). - ShadowBid will track the price on Amazon, and automatically purchase when the price drops! We look forward to hearing what everyone thinks, and to saving you some money! Thanks ProductHunters!
Wesley James
@toddterrazas Thanks Todd!
Scott Bowler
Is it US only?
Wesley James
@scottbowler Right now it is only in the US but we have plans in the works for expanding internationally.
Scott Bowler
@goforwes I'd love to see this for the UK Amazon - looks a fantastic tool
Wesley James
@scottbowler Thanks! We'll get there soon.
Scott Bowler
@goforwes Do you have a newsletter (or similar) I can sign up to so I can get notified when it's ready?
Wesley James
@scottbowler You can contact us on our site or just shoot an email to and we'll keep you up to date. Thanks!
Jose Vieitez
I've been using Shadowbid for over a month on my browser, and they just released their iOS app. I pretty much just upload items in my wishlist/ saved for later, and place a bid so if the price ever drops below a certain threshold, Shadowbid automatically buys it for me.
Dante Siracusa
Does it work for books? I'm interested in some SAT prep books
Wesley James
@dante_siracusa Very funny! Unfortunately Dante lost a bet and must take the SAT exam this summer.
Kate Cygan
ShadowBid is one of the few apps and extensions I consistently use. I purchase a lot on Amazon (both for myself and for business) and always check the price history as well as suggested bids. The recent ShadowBid update to show green or red depending on whether the price is lower or higher than usual is the best feature, in my opinion.
Wesley James
@kate_cygan Thanks for the awesome feedback!
Bubba Fish
Love ShadowBid! I always use this for any big online purchase. Congrats on launching!
Wesley James
@fishstix312 Thanks Bubba!
Ben Swinford
Pretty easy way to see if I'm and idiot or smart for buying the product at the current price! Not sure how they do it, but thank you
Michael Ahdoot
This is awesome @goforwes :). I know you said you have plans to expand internationally, but were you ever considering doing cross market bidding to find the best price worldwide? Could be good marketing "i.e. get the best price on the planet for anything you buy. Guaranteed" and also add lots of value, if you can get by the coding challenges :)
Wesley James
@mikeyahdoot Thanks Mikey! Those are much grander plans for down the road, but certainly on our road map. Certainly some awesome coding challenges there! Haha.
Nassim Bojji
@WesleyJames Awesome the app is compatible with Amazon Canada?
Wesley James
@nassimbojji Would love to chat with you further Nassim! I'll message you on Twitter.
UK please 🤘
Wesley James
@angus_halen Definitely Angus! As soon as we can. Thanks!
Ryan Williams
Looks great. I've been a user since day 1. Congrats!
Wesley James
@ryanjwill Thanks Ryan! We love all the support.
Blake Barber
Do you planning android version?
Wesley James
@blake_barber40 There will be an Android version soon! For now, you can use the Chrome extension and add your email to our website to stay up to date. Thanks Blake!
Davis Baer
Awesome idea!
Wesley James
@daviswbaer Thanks Davis!