Michael Schneider

Service for Hotels - We monitor your hotel rate and if it drops, rebook you.

Hey guys, meet Service's newest creation - Service for Hotels! We now automatically monitor the rate you booked your hotels at, and when the rate drops, we rebook you automatically. It's the single biggest release we've done since Service itself.

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I would rather just forward emails than allow full access
Michael Schneider
@scotty_mcq we used to work that way... the reason we no longer do it is, it's much more burden on the end user, who has to remember to forward us confirmation emails, let us know when they cancel reservations, and (sometimes) forward us airline correspondence. We want to serve you without having to do anything - we can only do that with inbox access.
@schneider, why not both?
Michael Schneider
@zappe because we want to provide a seamless user experience, serve the user without them having to do anything.
Ina Yosun Chang
@scotty_mcq @schneider why not be an add-on to tripit.com ? or have it with both options?
Eduardo Soubihe
Same thing as DreamCheaper.com, who's been around for several years now. DreamCheaper doesn't require access to your emails, you simply forward your booking receipts and their software does the rest.
Michael Schneider
@ebsalberto Dreamcheaper just filed for bankruptcy https://www.gruenderszene.de/all...
Eduardo Soubihe
@schneider Didn't know that, thanks. What are you doing that's different?
Michael Schneider
@ebsalberto we are much more automated than they were... we use software to do nearly everything, they used humans for a lot of it.
Daniel Li

I will not be giving access to my email to any platform which is not open-sourced. Since the software is the business here, the platform can't really be open-sourced. But for this reason only, I won't be recommending it to a friend.


Good idea, give option of annual subscription or pay-as-you-go


Requires access to your email

Michael Schneider
Daniel, I understand some people are hesitant about inbox access. We have industry standard security protections in place and in addition we don’t store your password or any of your emails other than flight and hotel confirmations. Ie. If “doomsday” happened and someone had access to Service, they would *not* have access to your email account.
Marco Gurnari
I didn't use your service and I could rate the app, but the gif of the magician is awesome. Good luck for the launch day 🔥
Michael Schneider
@marcogurnari thanks. If you use the app you’ll see even more wizard ;)
Michael Reynolds
@marcogurnari I totally agree. The wizard is fantastic
Zach Swetz
Very cool! Could you explain the pricing?
Michael Schneider
@swetzequity Sure! It's either 30% of whatever we get you, or $49/year up front, and you keep 100% of what we get you.
Zach Swetz
@schneider how do you ensure compliance on the 30%? As in, how do you ensure you’ll get paid?
Michael Schneider
@swetzequity we take a credit card up front.
Michael Schneider
Hey guys, this is a big deal for us, as big as launching the company itself! Our goal has always been to make customer service less painful, to stop companies from wasting your time, and to get you what you deserve. Would love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you have!
Cam Burley
Finding and fixing hotel rate FOMO. Very cool. Will it work for resorts/packages or simply hotels today?
Michael Schneider
@codecamcode for now simply hotels, but the software we've built could easily be adapted to other things like packages in the future.
Angik Sarkar
Why do you think Service can succeed when DreamCheaper and TripRebel failed?
Michael Schneider
@kyunbit mostly using software vs humans to do the job. and a superior user experience.
Ina Yosun Chang
Does it allow for insider rates such as Founder Card rates
Michael Schneider
@yosun yes, we track special rates and can rebook them too.
Michael Schneider
@yosun the rate has to be changeable and refundable. Once the rate passes the cancellation deadline, whenever that is, we stop tracking it.
Ina Yosun Chang
@schneider so i was really excited to try it... except it's gmail/hotmail only? what if people have their hotel sent to their corporate emails? why not just do a tripit integration?
Michael Schneider
@yosun if the corporate email is tied to a gmail account it will still work. Otherwise you can forward your confirmation emails to a gmail and connect that and it will work. We are working on expanding support for other email account types.
Robert Magrino
When will Yahoo mail be added.
Michael Schneider
@rmagrino soon! We’re working on it.
Raz Karmi
Michael Schneider
@razkarmi Thanks!
Hao (Alan) Tang
Can you do flights too?
Michael Schneider
@alant yes! our original product is getting you compensation for flight delays/cancellations.
Laura Roeder
Love Service! Happy to see them expanding to more products
Michael Schneider
@lkr thanks :)
https://thewaylo.com/ already do this.
Michael Schneider
@zappe a bit different, you have to book with them to use it. You can book with anyone and we can still track it and help you.
Michael Schneider
@zappe fair enough :)
Omar Bendezu
cool product guys, I founded a product related to travel as well. Would love to hear your feedback. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
I wonder if you can connect it to hotel booking site. I usually use https://planetofhotels.com/en/me... and it would be cool connect them with each other
Terl Meriki
Its looking like a wonderful idea I am living out side from my city so I will try it to save my time for my office work can anyone suggest me about it who is still using this service.