Jeff Umbro

1776: The World Turned Upside Down - Associated Press's ebook/audio series on the 13 Colonies πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Serial Box and The Associated Press have teamed up to bring you this 12 episode series, with voices from Hamilton. Perspectives on the Revolution you haven't heard before...

Thirteen colonies. Twelve months. One nation.

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Nick Abouzeid
Hi there! What's the backstory behind this pod/ebook? Does AP have any plans to announce more podcasts? cc @LazAlberto for podcast related things, as always πŸŽ™οΈ
Molly Barton
@lazalberto @nickabouzeid Hi! The AP approached Serial Box saying that they had this month by month account of 1776 and it had never been made available to the public before. We worked closely with them to present it in monthly episodes that take about 30 min to read or an hour to listen to.
Molly Barton
@lazalberto @nickabouzeid Not sure about AP's podcast plans generally -- this is our first project with them but we are having a great experience so perhaps there will be more.
Molly Barton
At Serial Box -- called "the HBO of reading" by NPR -- we publish a range of high quality sci-fi, grounded dramas, and very select nonfiction. Our aim is to entertain but also to help give readers and listeners better perspective on the present by imagining various futures and examining our shared past (like any futurist worth their salt). Today we introduce the (free) January installment of 1776, our first nonfiction series, in partnership with The Associated Press. It's a series of 12 monthly installments you can read or listen to that will give you a richer more textured understanding of what it was like to live through that momentous year. You also get to hear Chris Jackson from Hamilton as the voice of George Washington! Right now, the iOS app provides the best experience of Serial Box episodes -- you can switch between reading and listening with a click. Android app coming this quarter! Thanks for any feedback or thoughts you have!