Jack Smith

Topic Graphs by SenseiHub — Science-Art. Gain insights, then hang it up!


We created topic graphs over the last month to solve a problem for ourselves. Like Google Trends, ​it shows you the top issues being discussed from hundreds of news or scholarly articles in your topic of interest. Unlike Google Trends, ​it shows you data when ​you dig deeper. It also updates you only when a better article is published.

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Artem Goldman
Love it! Great job guys!
Toby Robertson
Hey what happened to this project?
aditya sudhakar
Thanks Jack! Hi everyone and thanks for stopping by! First things first, you can get a graph for any topic of interest. Let me know what topic and your email here: https://goo.gl/forms/L8S6l5eBh65.... You'll get a link back shortly. As it says above, we created these to solve a problem for ourselves. It helps companies and pop-up teams work better together. For example, rather than just want to know more about big data, the manufacturer and pop-up team dug into how it improved predictive maintenance. More in the blog above. These have been created with force-directed graphs using the d3js library. There are a few graphs above you can check out. Do leave us comments and questions!
aditya sudhakar
A couple of examples of requests that came in. SRAM (https://www.senseihub.com/SRAM), private labeling (https://www.senseihub.com/privat...). You'll notice some graphs are denser than others. Denser graphs means heavier discussions on the topic!
Sameep Manoj Sheth
Hey, i noticed biohacking link isn't working. It's missing the www. Try this. https://www.senseihub.com/biohac...