Eithiriel DeMerè

Market Explorer by SEMrush - Competitive intelligence for entering new markets and niches


Are you looking to entering a new market? Discover the competition and gain audience insights before then with SEMrush Market Explorer.
The tool will help entrepreneurs to assess new niches and let marketers benefit from the knowledge of industry trends.

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Vasilina Leushina
Hi Product Hunters, Vasilina here from SEMrush. We are happy to introduce Market Explorer to you, a product we have been working hard on for the past six months. We developed this product with the idea in mind that industry benchmarking and market research should be easier and more accessible for every business. Now, Market Explorer can help you keep track of your industry competition and customer demographics, and see the bigger picture more clearly. This product will be helpful for those who are about to enter new markets or want to find a new prospective niche, or to get insights about competitors’ strategies. Want to try it for your business? This is how the product works: 1)Go to Market Explorer https://www.semrush.com/market-e... 2) Log in or sign up. You can skip the trial offer. Market Explorer is free until November 12th. 3) Enter a domain name 4) Get the industry overview 5) See customer demographics and interests 6)Reveal competitors’ digital market shares 7) Use this data to further your market research and competitive analysis. We hope you find it useful in your work. Please share your feedback and ask questions. Enjoy! Thanks, Vasilina
Collin Farra
@vasilina_leushina SemRush tools are now one of the standards for SEO professionals worldwide. Thanks a lot for your effort sharing the knowledge!
Aleksandr Betra
@vasilina_leushina @collin_farra Thank you for such a kind feedback.
Devanand Premkumar
@vasilina_leushina Market explorer account sure gives me more visibility about my domains and other interesting domains. Am exploring the trial, hope to find hidden gems with the help of this useful feature.
Aleksandr Betra
@vasilina_leushina @devaonbreaches Hey Devanand, we've put together a three-step guide on researching a market. Take a look. Maybe it will help you in your work: https://www.semrush.com/blog/res...
Pavel Matveev
It is a HUGE time saver.
Vasilina Leushina
@pavel_matveev Thank you Pavel!
Looks really useful. Should provide additional insights when conducting competitor analysis.
Vasilina Leushina
@nhdprins Thanx a lot Nico! Glad that you appreciate the tool!
Bostjan Tanko
This tool gives you amazing insight. I have tested it for my affiliate sites and it is great to get insight about your competitors and steal their ideas :P
Irina Radyushkina
@bostjan_tanko Thank you Bostjan! We are flattered to hear such a nice feedback :)
Elena Kozlova
@bostjan_tanko Glad to know it, Bostjan! That's one of the use cases we totally approve :)
Adam Singfield
Great idea to streamline the research into a single overview report. In doing a couple of test, I noticed the Market Overview results with narrow focus don't seem to match the results of the competitor results in the Domain Overview tool. The traffic estimates also didn't align. What's the difference between these? Thanks!
Vasilina Leushina
@tbcadam Hi Adam! Thank you for the question! 1. Competitors shown at SEMrush Domain Overview compete in organic traffic source with entered domain, but similarity of websites at Market Explorer is based on common website’s categories, keywords, backlinks and audience interests. That’s why lists of competitive domains are not the same. 2.Domain Overview tool makes estimations based on keyword positions and their estimated traffic (search volume X average CTR). Market explorer makes estimations based on analyzing clickstream data about all of a domain’s sources of traffic, not just from search
Craig Campbell
Yet another great little product that SEMrush has put out that will help you gain insights and help you understand industry trends an keep you ahead of the competition. Try it out its FREE
Elena Kozlova
@craig_campbell3 Thank you, Craig! This is what we work for: to let our users gain competitive intelligence and turn it into competitive advantage.
Alexander De Ridder
Hey @iradyushkina @aleksandr_betra @new_user_294be6126e @vasilina_leushina , congratulations on your launch! SEMrush is innovating in many areas of the SEO industry and it's exciting to see you bringing new and fresh ideas to the market. We are clients of SEMrush as well, our favorite feature is the site audit. I hope you can keep making that one better too. We recently had our product hunt launch as well and I know it can be a nerve-wrecking adrenaline rush all day long. From the whole team at INK we're rooting for you and wishing you success. Thank you again for innovation and bringing new ideas to the industry!
Elena Kozlova
@adridder Thank you for your support, Alexander! It's an exciting day for us indeed, so we appreciate your kind words a lot. We're constantly working on each of our tools, so don't worry, we're keeping your favorite features updated too :)
Irina Radyushkina
Hey @adridder! Thank you for support. We are hoping Market Explorer will shine in the competitive intelligence niche as Site Audit do.
Paolo Gioia
I'm using Semrush as a SEO professional since the 2013 and this is on my opinion one of the most waited feature. I've compared Semrush Market Explorer with the main competing tools and the results are very accurate. So Congrats 👏👏👏👏👏
Vasilina Leushina
@paolo_gioia Thank you Paolo! We will continue doing our best!
AJ Wilcox
Excellent! I tried it on a couple of my client's accounts and it was spot on. Such a useful tool for scoping out the market. Rock on, SEMRush team! Keep killing it!
Irina Radyushkina
@wilcoxaj Have you tried searching for new leads or prospects with this tool? It works in the same way - you enter one of the existing top or most typical customers and get a list of similar companies from the same industry!
Dmitrii Denezhkin
OMG, It’s so HUGE! I’m waited this feature too. Thanks 🙏🥳
Elena Kozlova
@kuraeow We were excited to release it too!
Its useful for exploring advertising opportunities based on age/gender/traffic/interests with this valuable data set. Good decision making tool. Kudos SEMrush team for the hard work.
Aleksandr Betra
@unclue Hi Krish. Thanks for the feedback. You are right. Info on audience demographics and interests helps running better-targeted ads. For example, when you set up Google Display Network ads, you can use data from Market Explorer to find audience interests in your industry.
Daniel Weinstein
always the best
Noah Lopata
Data is awful as of this point. Didn't find anything on the majority of sites I tried and the ones that it did find were full of bogus data. Showing main competitors as restaurants across the country.
Vasilina Leushina
@gobroncos Hi Noah! That's a pity the tool couldn't bring value for you. Our machine learning algorithm building industries is still learning. For small part of domains, results could be a bit hectic. Also, the algorithm is based on similarity in online visibility, so it could be that your website really competes with these domains for common audience
Михаил Гурьянов
Nice product)
Aleksandr Betra
@new_user_2989371f2f Thanks for your feedback!
Kevin Indig
Love the market share stats - super helpful in a time of featured snippets and topics > keywords!
Brian Fanzo
Huge fan of everything @semrush creates and this is just another example of a must use tool that I will be adding to my toolkit!
Elena Kozlova
@isocialfanz Thanks, Brian! We are happy to do more for our loyal users :)
Kelly Hungerford
This is an incredible tool and addition to a marketer’s toolkit. Thanks to the SEMRush team - excellent new feature!
Elena Kozlova
@kdhungerford Thank you, Kelly! We tried our best!
Lachlan Kirkwood
Demographic data looks amazing, nice work team!
Sam Goudie
Awesome job 🙌 This looks like a great tool to start researching a new market and creating a strategy to validate a product idea. I’ve been searching for something like this for a while!
Elena Kozlova
@sgoudie We are so glad to read it, Sam! Hope our tool will also reassure entrepreneurs and motivate them to set ambitious goals as they will know where and how they can grow.
The new feature is interesting. However, it is a pity that the complete offer is so expensive for a private individual.